Chapter 6 - Torment

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hi :) <3


My eyes open, and it takes me a moment to adjust. It's early, I think. I lean up a bit, looking around the room. I look over at the bed I'm facing, seeing Tom on his back, his chest rising and falling heavily. His muscles, even from here, are visible, his skin practically glowing in the little light of the darkened room.

I sit up in the bed, breathing deeply as I try to wake up more. I glance over at the other bed, finding it empty. There's light coming from the edges of the bathroom door, so I figure Mattheo's in there.

I lean over and check my phone for the time. It's 6. Funny, I never pegged Theo (heha) as an early riser before this, especially on the weekend. I always figured Tom would be the one up early. From the times I've spent at various manors with friend's families, with the group together at various social events or even just hanging out at each other's houses, Tom was usually up first, or he just didn't come out of his room until late in the afternoon when he was 'ready'.

I smile slightly at the thought and run my hands through my hair, attempting to force myself to feel less tired. I lean over, picking up my book and decide to read a little.

I hear a noise. Like a soft grunt. At first, I think it's Tom, but turn to see him still asleep and unmoved. The noise comes again, and I narrow my eyes, turning towards the bathroom, deciding it came from there. It sounds like...


He is not...

I listen more carefully, hearing the noise again, softer, and another noise... one that doesn't take a lot of thought to recognize.

"Fuck." I hear him groan softly. I raise my hand up, covering my mouth as I process what the fuck is happening right now.

I remove my hand after a moment and exhale deeply, still staring at the bathroom door.

I nearly scream as someone grabs me, but I realize it's Tom and he covers my mouth with his hand before I can make a sound.

He moves quickly and roughly and pulls me back against him, bringing his head near my ear as his other hand snakes around my torso and pins my arms down with his forearm against my chest. Fuck. I didn't even hear him come over.

"Curious?" He says teasingly, but his voice has a certain harshness to it, barely above a whisper. "Why don't you go help him, Cassia?" He says darkly. "Hmm? Get on your knees like the good little slut you are." He suggests, his voice scratchy and darkened from the morning.

My heart practically twists, definitely skipping a beat. I squirm in his grip and he chuckles, deep and dark, leaning closer into my ear, his nose and lips nuzzling in my neck and around my ear.

"No, darling, you're not going anywhere." I feel him smirk into my skin as I tense up. I try to speak through his hand and he moves it from my mouth to my throat. "Quiet, now." He warns before I speak.

"Fuck you." I say quietly, my own morning voice prominent. He grins and chuckles darkly, squeezing my neck slightly.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He teases, and nips at my ear.

"You wish." I reply sultrily, tilting my head back against him.

I hear the shower turn on and Tom turns towards the door for a moment before returning his attention to me. He lets go of me slightly and I move to escape from his grip but he twists us around and in a moment he's above me, my back on the bed, his hands pinning my wrists down.

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