"They call themselves the Bad Batch"

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You sat lurking in a dark alleyway on Coruscant when your bounty finally arrived. Just as your calculations had indicated. A Mon Cali male, 5.5, even shorter than you, well much shorter than you.

You pulled your hood down and started creeping up behind him, pulling out your two sabers. You had always liked the shock on the bounties faces when they heard the lightsabers ignite. The only orders on the puck was to bring the quarry in cold. You didn't want to make a mess so you avoided the head, going for the stomach instead. On white and one red, leaving to burning holes in the quarry's stomach.

You gathered his body in the sack you had brought with you and started to walk to the Cantina, nobody really asked questions on Coruscant, you only got a few dirty looks because of the sack.
You dropped the body on the table in front of your informant, he smiled his dirty smiled revealing three broken teeth.
"Job well done, I guess I owe you 5 credits now" Katar said.
"No, this took double the time, 10 credits" you knew you were pushing it, after all it was you fault it had taken that long.
He looked at you for a very long time.
"Well..." he started. You knew what you had to do. You pulled of you coat and walked over to where he was sitting. You got close to his ear and whispered: " 10 credits and next time, I'll make it up to you" knowing damn well you wouldn't do such a thing. He smirked and started handing over the credits. You rolled your eyes while taking a seat in front of him. "Men" you sighed.
"What have you got for me, something big this time, you know I've got talent, I won't disappoint." You said fast.
"Troopers, the call themselves the Bad Batch."
You didn't really want to get involved with "The clone war"
"You know I don't want to get involved with that." You stated.
"You said something good, 600 unmarked credits." Your eyes popped up. "What!" That could be enough to buy a new ship.
"But... you will be getting the payment from the Seperatists, I'm just the informant."
You considerd, "Fine" you said. He handed over the puck and you were as good as gone.

You typed in he Ryloth system in the navicomputer. You now had plenty of time on your hands, you picked up the puck and examined your bounty. Four clones. Well enhanced clones. Easy enough, still. How special could they be? You had a pretty high kill-count when it came to clones. Yes they did know how to destroy droids, but not a bountyhunter with two lightsabers.
You had stolen the sabers of a two dead bodies on the planet Mustarfar, the bodies must have been about 1000 years old.

The last sighting of the clones were a few clicks from the town Lintra. You landed the ship, picked out a sniper, the laser knife you had won from Aura Sing and your two sabers. Ryloth had never been a beautiful planet in your opinion, few plants, mostly rocks and sand, you hated sand. The animals were useful tho.
You took on your glasses for footprints. One of the clones was bigger which meant one of the four footprints had to be distinctly bigger. The Batch had been on a relief mission to a smaller village in a valley not far from the town. The map you had was not a big help but you managed. After 10 min you found the prints, one bigger, just as you had suspected.
With the 600 credits on your mind you started running, it wasn't a good idea, it attracted attention but you couldn't help yourself. Finally stoping on the edge of a cliff looking down on the valley. You assembled your sniper and locked in your scope on the biggest of the buildings in the village. 5 minutes pasted and nothing had happened, just some farmers getting their crops. But you had the greatest advantage, the high ground.
Three people appeared out of the barn. Three? The puck said four clones? You patiently waited for the fourth to appear but he didn't.

"That's a good sniper you have there" said a snake like voice from behind. You froze, no one had ever been able to sneak up on you.
"I know, stole from a cargo ship in the Rishi Sector" you said with the most confident voice you could muster. You heard shuffling footsteps behind you and was just able to roll over to your left side when a knife hit the ground where you just laid.
"Trying to kill me, I'm just a girl" you said smirking. He was taller than you, towering over you with a sniper behind his back and a knife in his hand. You placed a punch in to his stomach, he groaned. "You are more than just a girl" he said. He flipped his his knife so it was "backhand", aiming a swipe to you neck but you ducked just in time. This gave him time to swipe you feet. You landed on your back, head hanging out of the cliff's edge. You hopped up and started to lunge for his midriff, he caught you and pushed you to the ground. One of his hand was holding both your hand over you head while the other held the knife a centimetre from your face.
"Give me one reason not to harm that pretty face of yours" he snarled into your ear. "I'm valuable to the Seperatists" you lied. "If you say so" turning the knife and jamming the handle into your forehead with such force you passed out.
English is my second language so I pretty much suck at writing, I'm from Sweden, woohoo IKEA and meatballs. I hope you liked it. It felt a little dark in the beginning but I like it that way😃

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