The brig

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You woke up with handcuffs around you wrist and a massive headache. You sat in the brig in the back of a ship. The birds outside told you that you were still on a planet. How long have I been unconscious? You sat up and took in your surroundings, a small metal bench, metal bars. It shouldn't be so hard to break out.

You heard chatter from the room to your right, it was curious how you could hear so good but that clone was able to sneak up on you.
"According to the test I took of her DNA she I most likely a bountyhunter, she fits the description of a bountyhunter." a high pitched voice said. "But do we know if she is valuable to the clankers?" A darker voice said. "No, but that is what Crosshair said she said to him" Crosshair? Weird name. "She most certainly is the best looking we have had on board, including you" the darker voice said mockingly. "Very funny Hunter" the high pitched voice answered.  You decided to do something stupid. "Wow I'm honored" you said at the top of your lungs.
In a few seconds time 2 sets of eyes were upon you. "How could you hear us, only Hunter with his enhanced senses could hear that" said a a clone with glasses. " Secret" you answered.
"Never mind that" the other clone said, he had broad shoulders and a tattoo across half of his face.
"What is going on Hunter?" the snake like voice said, then the tall clone appeared. "Trying to figure out what to do with the girl" he responded. "Why don't we just let her feel miserable for a day, then we can decide" he said. You scowled. "Oh, did that hit the spot" he said flicking the toothpick he was chewing on in front of your feet. Was he trying to play you or was he just clumsy? You knew you could pick the lock in a matter of minutes with the toothpick. "Eh, why not" the clone named Hunter said. You turned around and tried to get comfortable on the metal bench but it was a lost cause. You decided you would try to break out when the others were asleep.

You had just gotten your handcuffs off and was now trying to pick the lock, it was harder that expected. "Jackpot" you whispered to yourself when you heard the look click.
You turned around the corner well outside the brig and saw a tall figure in the doorway.
"How predictable" Crosshair said flicking another toothpick at you. "I must say it took longer than expected" he said. "Ready for a rematch?" you retorted and getting into position, you had no weapons whatsoever but you were ready. He smirked, he didn't have his chest armour nor helmet , this gave you an advantage.

This time you went for the head, jumping on the side of the ship and aiming a hard kick to his ear. He was caught by surprise and staggered backwards. You tried to aim another punch to his head but he ducked and drove in his elbow into your side. You kneeded him in his stomach and he bended over groaning. "Huh, weaker than expected" you said confidently. He aimed a lousy kick to you side but you avoided it easily. You kicked at his knee and he fell over. You went and got the handcuffs while he was clutching his knee. You tied him up on the floor and grabbed the toothpick from earlier.
You went to sit on his groin and said: "Give me one good reason not to hurt that pretty face of yours" repeating his exact words. "Haven't got any, I like the position we are in" he smirked. You insides squirmed in a way they hadn't for a long time. He noticed you blushing and continued: "What do you suppose to do with my dead body?" You hadn't thought about that. "Well, I'd still get a fourth of my credits." you said. "And your going to carry around my body through Lintra?" He retorted. "Would you just shut up and let me kill you?" You said. "Go ahead" he closed his eyes and smiled. That's when you heard heavy footsteps behind you, someone grabbed you by the collar of your jacket. You were lifted 2 feet of the ground. You tried to get lose but it was no use. The clone holding you was double your size and had a scar across his face. Crosshair sat up, waved and said: "Bye-bye".

You were thrown back into the brig and now all the clones were there. "We really need to decide what to do with her" Hunter said. "Why don't we just dump her on some moon" the big clone said. "Nah, she would probably find her way back" Crosshair chimed in. "I've got an idea" the clone with glasses said. "If we convince her to destroy the puck, she would have no evidence that we were her quarry. She could start working for us, she wouldn't be recognised were we would. She could even get us into Seperatist controlled territory" he finished. "What makes you think I would do that?" you snapped. "If not, we'll follow out Wreckers plan." Hunter said. "We could compensate her with some credits so she'll stay" Crosshair said. "Aw, you want me to stay" you said looking into Crosshairs brown eyes. He stared back, this gave you the chills. "Fine I'll do it" you finally said.

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