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I had been awkward between you and Hunter ever since the night on Scipio, it was an unspoken thing now. Although you thought you cached Hunter staring at you from time to time. You felt embarrassed, maybe you did something wrong? Maybe you did it right, more than right and he was embarrassed.

You lay in your "quarters" aka the former brig. Wrecker had helped you organise and decorate to make it homier, he had become a big brother to you and was by far the best of them. Maybe because you really didn't have any sexual tension at all. You played with your lightsabers when Hunter voice called out from the cockpit. "Alright, a quick briefing before the mission" he said to the group at large. You moved in over and sat yourself down on the hard floor. "We already know the assignments Hunter" Tech said from the pilots chair.
"I have made some adjustments" he said staring at the holomap. "What kinda of adjustments" you questioned suspiciously. "Um, you and Crosshair will cover the high ground" he said a bit embarrassed. Unlike him. You looked into his eyes, searching for something out of place. He broke eye contact. What? You noticed Crosshair staring at the both of you from the corner of the room. "Fine" you sighed to break the tension.

Rodia was the most intriguing planet you had ever been to. The was so much green, different people and beyond beautiful cities. Well this was your opinion not Crosshairs.
"I don't get why you like this" he said looking down at the streets. "It's just the feeling you get here, I would definitely live here if I could" you said happily skipping forward on the high houses. "What do you mean?" He frowned. "As a bountyhunter you always have to be on the move, I thought you knew that" you said mockingly. He smirked. Crosshair had grown on you, he was someone who wouldn't ask a bunch of questions and invade your privacy. He was a lot like you actually.
"So the woman is a gungan and is suspected for passing information to the separatists?" You stated more than asked. He nodded. "Well, she specifically passes information about clones and battle plans." He added. "But then... she would be looking out for someone like you four" you said with a frown on your face. "Yup, that is why we were chosen for this task" he said nonchalantly. "Then we shouldn't be walking, we should pretend that we are here for the planet or something so it won't look like we are looking for someone" you said as you stopped. "True" he added. "Come on, sit down" you patted at the place beside you when you had just sat down. He swung his long legs over the edge of the house and placed his rucksack beside him. "Haha looks like we are having a picnic" you pointed out as you scutched closer. He rolled his eyes and stared at the sunset. Hot, fucking hot. "How romantic" you sigh letting your head rest on his shoulder. You could feel him tensing up, going almost rigid.
"You could always buy an apartment here  and visit sometimes between jobs" he said letting out a big yawn. "Yeah I just have to get the money" you sighed. He locks eyes and starts to say something when you can't stand it any longer. You kiss him, locking lips this time. He relaxed and puts his hand on your chin pulling you apart. "I can always help you get the-" he starts. "Just shut up" you say smirking. You pull him toward you again when your hear footsteps. Both you eyes widen and you look back.
A female gungan, pink flesh and green eyes. She starts to sprint towards just you. You're caught off guard but Crosshair isn't. He lunged into her from the side ramming her into the concrete. He puts handcuffs on her in an instant like he does it for a living. You stand on tiptoe and whisper: "Next time put handcuffs on me" he stares at you in all seriousness. You both crack a smile and start your way back.
You try to ignore the feelings that have stirred inside of you this evening. That or your just fucking horny.

"Can we please get something real to eat?" You beg the others as they lock up the gungan in the brig. "Eh, fine" Hunter scoffs giving you a glance. "Where do you wanna go" Tech asks. "I saw this seafood restaurant on our way here" you said exited. "What's seafood?" Wrecker asks stupidly. "It is pretty muck self explanatory Wrecker" Tech shims in. You laugh  and start to walk outside of the ship when someone lifts you from your feet. He throws you over his shoulder as if you were a rag doll. You can't stop laughing as he sprints towards the restaurant, you even see Crosshair smirk from far away. Something about his smile he only shows 3 times a year makes you feel special.
You arrive at the restaurant and get seated in a booth in the far back not to attract any unwanted stares.
When you get your food Tech starts his babbling about a special Rodian fish that can produce 5000 babies in one ejaculation. "Ew not while we're eating Tech" Hunter shuts him up with a oyster in his face.

You return to the ship only to realise that you have nowhere to sleep now that the gungan occupies the brig. "Dank ferric" you spit out. "I'll just take the floor" you add later. "No, I'll sleep in the pilots chair" Crosshair offers. "You sure" you ask. He nods and gives you a reassuring look.

You can't sleep, the only thing you can think about is the way Crosshair bunk smells like lavender. You grin to yourself. You make your way to the fresher when you hear something from the cockpit. Crosshair sits in the pilots chair with his sniper in his lap and a screwdriver in his hand. You follow that same sent from the bunk to where he sits. "Can't sleep?" You whisper into his ear startling him. "Blast. It's you" he says quietly.

He puts away the sniper and gestures for you to sit down on his lap. You start to tremble, he is only in his blacks and he looks absolutely amazing. "You look handsome" you say a few inches from his face. He spits out the toothpick and puts his hands around your waist. You squirm at his touch but you like it. You kiss him once again biting down on his lip. You can tell he likes it from the growing bulge under you. You slide a hand down to meet it. You take  your middle finger and slide it side to side on the rims of his boxers. He starts to kiss the side of your neck biting down softly to leave small marks. Your hand reaches his hard cock and he grunts his approval into your ear. "It would take to-to long to find handcuffs" he says softly into your ear with the silky smooth voice of his. You can feel yourself getting wetter and wetter from every word. He slides his cock into you and you utter a high moan. He quickly claps a hand over your mouth to quiet you. "Too loud" he shudders. You grind your hips on top of his and can feel his long cock hit your g-spot. He takes one hand from your waist and places it on your clit and starts rubbing soft circles. You can feel goosebumps all over your skin. "You like that?" He grunts into your ear. You tilt your head in pleasure showing I'm your throat. He traces kisses all over your Adam's apple. He goes harder and faster moaning into your ear. "Good, good girl" "Fuuuck" "Maker, you're perfect" he says praising you with every thrust. You both reach your climax at the same time moaning into each other.

I hate writing smut 😘😀

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