What a mess..

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It was the next day, Akane felt like he was going to throw up but he wasn't actually sick, he didn't want to meet up with that boy after what happened the day before, he also got a bunch of texts from him and made sure to respond, not wanting the boy to hurt him again, while Akane was walking to school like usual, he had run into a kind of dumb blonde who wasn't paying attention to anything but his phone "Hey! Watch where- Oh, hey Akane" The boy replied, "Hey Yamabuki" Akane replied, fixing his glasses from them getting messed up "Why are you in such a rush, you gotta get somewhere?" Yamabuki asked while moving his chin to rest on Akanes head, genuinely confused as to why he was rushing, "I need to go do something, and could you not do this every time I run into you-" Akane replied, kind of pissed off that he rested him chin on his head again

"Okay I won't do that next time-" Yamabuki said, rolling his eyes, he was obviously lying but Akane didn't really care, then, there small conversation was interrupted by yelling, "HEY AKANE!" Akane recognized the voice, it was the guy he was going to see "Uh I gotta get going, cya Yamabuki!" Akane yelled to Yamabuki, Yamabuki looked very confused but walk away after he heard his friends voice calling him. Akane finally caught up to his "Boyfriend" who seemed very pissed, "Who the hell was that?!" The guy asked, grabbing Akanes wrist tightly, "Ow! He's just a childhood friend!" Akane replied "Oh yeah like I'd believe that bullshit, now lets go." The boy said, gripping Akanes wrist tighter than before, making him flinch at the pain, they guy didn't care though, he just kept somewhat dragging him while walking.

Soon enough Akane's "boyfriend" finally let go of his wrist when he got them to where he wanted to go, which was to his weird friend group, Akane never liked his friends even before now, they always made comments about his body and constantly call him hot, cute, etc. While they're changing for certain classes, while Akane was somewhat lost in thought, one of his "boyfriends" friends grabbed his chin and pulled his face up so he'd be facing the guy. "Oh~? Why'd you bring the cutie to us, should he be for your eyes only like you said~?" His friend teased, making Akane gulp and start to sweat. "Aww~ Don't be so nervous Cutie, You'll be fine with us~" His friend teased again, making Akane realize he noticed that he got uncomfortable, but Akane hadn't noticed that Teru was standing just around the corner, and he could hear and see everything that was happening.

"Fuckin weridos.." Teru mumbled to himself, he'd always noticed how weird that guys friends act around him but he'd never seen stuff like this happen, it pissed him off. A lot. So he walked up to them and started talking like it was just a normal day, this gave Akane a few minutes to get himself to the student council room before class started, Teru then asked the guy that had been bothering Akane if he'd like to hang out after school and he said yes. "Oh, y'know I have to go get some council work done, I'll talk to you later" Teru said as a "cheerful goodbye" and made his way to the student council room, where Akane was.

"Hey Akane" Teru greeted Akane as he walk in, closing the door behind him "Oh, Hey Teru" Akane greeted him back after that there was an awkward silence until Akane finally broke it. "Oh yea, uhm, thanks for what you did back there, I thought he'd never leave me alone" Akane said in a relieved tone. "You're welcome Akane, you did look pretty uncomfortable so I thought I'd step in to help" Teru replied, after that they had a bit of small talk until the bell for class rang, after they waved to each other and got to their classes.

{Time Skip}

School had finally ended and Teru and that guy were hanging out, and they had been for a few hours, they were both about to go home until Teru asked to talk to him in this shady area, the boy said okay and followed him. "So, what were you doing with Akane before I decided to talk to you?" Teru asked. "Oh that, I was just giving him a few compliments that's all" The boy replied with a nervous laugh while rubbing the back of his neck "You sure? Because whatever "compliments" you gave him made his really uncomfortable" Teru replied in a semi-pissed off tone, making the other boy gulp "Uh- W-Well I didn't notice he was uncomfortable" he said, getting very sweaty "Hm.. Okay then, but can you turn around for a second?" Teru asked, making the boy give him a confused look "Sure..?" The boy replied, and did what Teru asked,  Teru slowly took his Katana out of it's case, pushing it back to his side, then forcefully and quickly pushing it into the boys back.

{Skip cause I'm not good at writing gory stuff}

"Uhg, his blood is everywhere..." Teru mumbled to himself, staring at the boys body. "But it's okay, because now it's one less weirdo for Akane to deal with, and another step closer till were even closer than before!" He said cheerfully, he then looked around for somewhere to put his body, he found a nice spot so he picked his body up and then placed him in the spot, he had planned this ahead so there was stuff to clean up the evidence, he also had the boys phone that he had decided to smash to get rid of evidence that he was the last person seen with him, he deleted his contact out of his own phone too, he finished cleaning up the evidence, and made his way home through shadows so no one would see him covered in blood, after about 10 minutes he finally made it home, where he quickly ran upstairs threw his clothes into the washer with loads of detergent, and got himself into the shower to clean up, luckily he managed to only step in a few drips of the blood so he could just tell Kou he got a bloody nose if he see's the blood. By the time Teru got out of the shower his clothes had finished in the washer, so he then threw them in the dryer, grabbed a towel to wrap around himself, then walked to his room and changed. "You'll act like nothing happened tomorrow, and you act like you canceled your plans with him because he was being a total douche bag" Teru told himself right before he went to bed, after a few times of repeating it he finally fell asleep

{Sorry for not updating in a while, I kind of got stumped at a certain point and just now finished it in one sitting- And 1196 words}

"It's Not What You Think! I Swear!" Yandere!Teru X AkaneWhere stories live. Discover now