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"Y'know, I didn't believe it, not really."

"Didn't believe what?" Kuina removes the cigarette from her mouth. "That everyone in Tokyo disappeared?"

"Yeah. Guess it's really... real." Chishiya is standing in the middle of the sidewalk, hands in the pockets of his hoodie like always, looking around at the empty streets. A lone paper cup rolls and skitters across the pavement.

"It's really weird," you agree, approaching the duo. "Begs the question - did everyone else disappear, or were we ourselves removed?" The three of you share a look, and then you shake yourself out of it. "Come on. We need to get moving. I don't want to get caught out after dark and get pulled into a game."

Niragi uses his chin to point toward an occult-style shop. Tucked away down what could have been an alley but is really just a dark side-street, it is built in the style of Old Japan. A lone tortoiseshell cat watches you through narrowed eyes from the sloped rooftop.

"That's not creepy at all." Niragi says, staring up at the feline as he follows you in.

"You're not much of a cat person, are you?" Chishiya asks as he fiddles with the shiny golden sheath of an athame. Niragi snorts.

"I much prefer dogs. They aren't sneaky, or rude, or - well. Anything. Dogs just are. Unconditional. Unapologetic. You know exactly where you stand with them."

"Probably why you two don't get along too well," Kuina says, taking an anklet from the display and kneeling down to put it on.

"Try at all." Chishiya says, a tinge of regret coloring his voice. Niragi shoots him a look, but then just grabs a couple of tote bags and stalks over, handing one to you. You begin gathering various small crystals - raw, orbs, and points - carefully into your bag. As it begins to get quite heavy, Niragi gently takes it and silently hands you the next one. This you fill with herbs, teas, salves, and unguents.

Kuina takes this as it is filled, slinging it over her shoulder. She has a tote of her own filled with clothes and jewely - "In case we need, y'know, personal protection." - and Chishiya's bag is filled with weapons and tarot cards. He simply shrugs and gives you his usual smug smile.

"I hate when you smirk like that. Think you're so clev-"

"Niragi," you warn, and he simmers down. Chishiya barks a tiny chuckle deep in his throat, but merely hefts the bag and exits the shop.

"We'd better hurry," he remarks calmly, pointing up at the darkening sky. "Good thing we brought a car."

The four of you pile in and, with you driving, race back to the resort, your precious mystical haul resting safely in the backseat between Kuina and Chishiya. Beside you, Niragi emulates his favorite animal by hanging his head out the window. You shake your head and smile, sincerely hoping in your heart that you can, in fact, change the fate of not just him, but everyone you have grown to care about.


"Aren't you going to show us what you got? Might be our last chance to see, if we don't make it through the game tonight." Takuma says, zipping up his windbreaker.

"Guess you're just gonna have to survive and make it home then," you say, placing your bags in an employee locker and firmly closing the door. Standing, you touch his bicep. "You'll all be fine. I'll see you when you get back."

Takuma nods and grasps your hand in both of his before leading his group of four at a swift trot out the garage entry. You watch them go, then turn to the others.

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