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Lucas's point of view
"Are you sure this is alright?" I asked Galaxy. We were walking to the town everyone has been talking about.

"I'm sure! Everyone likes Sabre, they should like you too." He said cheerfully. I learned that he isn't usually threatening people with their lives after their sons go missing.

We were in a field and I could see the Steve Village ahead. It looked more like a town now than a village.

I saw Steve of many colors around the town. They all looked happy. Just like Light and Rainbow were in the rainbow town. I looked back at Sabre who was walking next to Time.

Every time I look at him. I get a sense of familiarity. Not familiar from the memories we had in high school or the Rainbow town, but as if, I knew him long before that. It gives me a headache sometimes.

"Lucas?" I heard Sabre asked to make me. It got me out of my thoughts. He was showing his necklace to Time earlier and it rested on his chest. The necklace really gives me a sense of Deja Vu.

"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were still with us." I chuckled a little and Sabre laughed a little too. I kept walking,

"I want to tell him." I heard Illusion say. I turn my head.

"Don't, he doesn't know and it probably doesn't affect anything." Alex replies back.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked, they both flinched.

"Nothing don't worry about it." Alex said putting her hand over Illusions mouth before he could say anything,

"Alright?" I shrugged my shoulders and walked into the town. Immediately I got the feeling of being watched. Not in a bad way, just a curious way. A lot of the Steves were looking at me.

"Hey?" I say a bit nervously. They didn't say anything back. Illusion nudged my shoulder telling me I kept waking. I did notice how some of the Steeves weren't even phased by me being here. I guess to them this is a normal thing. We got to a house farthest into the town. Galaxy knocked on the door. The door opened.

"Galaxy!" A Blue Steve said as he opened the door. He was a darker shade of blue than the other blue steves that I have seen. I guess this is the Overseer. He looks nice.

"Hi Sheep Steve." Galaxy said. I heard Sabre and Alex laugh a little, but I didn't get the joke.

"Why a sheep?" I asked. The Overseer looked at me.

"Just an inside joke. I'm the Overseer." He reached his hand to me. I took his hand and shook it. He gave me a warm smile. "You can come in if you want to." He tells everyone. Illusion looked inside the house and shook his head.

"I have some work to do. I'll talk with you later." He says. Before anyone else could say anything he teleported away. I wonder what he would need to do.

"Sabre, can we talk?" I heard Time say behind me. I turned my head to see Time looking at Sabre. He nods and they walk off. Those two are always together.

"Guess its just us three." Alex says. The Overseer goes inside and we follow. We sit down on the couch.

"Sabre already told me what happened yesterday. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to help as much." The Overseer said apologetically.

"It's okay. I didn't have much room in my house anyway."

"Where do you live?" He asked me. He was looking at me directly. I couldn't tell if he was being polite or if he was trying to figure me out.

"In the forest. I came into this world recently looking for Sabre. I found him at just the right moment."

"Yeah, from what Lucas told me he was in deep trouble with Plague Steve." Galaxy added. Alex nods.

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