seven || my first week

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Today we have a quiz in math because it's every Friday. So we take the quiz and I'm done by the end of class.

When I walk out of class I put my quiz on the teachers desk and head to my locker for my science stuff. I go to my locker open it put my math stuff away and get my science stuff when I close my locker door on the other side is Riley.

I ask him " What do you want?" He then replies " You Germaine, I want you." I then shake my head no and walk to science. He catches up to me asking " Why not just one date?" I then reply " Boys are a distraction." I then walk into science with him following me.

I sit in my seat next to Adam and Riley sits in his seat. I didn't talk to Adam that entire class because I wanted to concentrate instead of paying all my attention to him.

The bell rang for lunch so I quickly get up and go to my locker to get my lunch. I walk in on Kens food getting stolen by Cole.

Then I hear Charlie telling a few others a plan. They then leave the lunch room and come back a bit later with a brown paper bag. I worn Adam and say I don't think those are brownies.

We move out of the way as soon as Charlie says " I gotta tell my mom to stop using horse turds in the recipe!" then they run out with the poop flying all over the cafeteria going from table to table then here me and Adam are laughing our asses off as the cheerleaders scream.

We then head to ELA and I sit next to Guy who looked exhausted then he looked over at me pissed " Why'd you guys do that?" he asks, I ask him " What do you mean?" He then explains that the varsity put all there clothes in the shower so they were soaking wet.

I tell I didn't do that neither did Adam. He chose to believe me but I don't think he does honestly.

I ask Adam if he did that and he shook his head but that's not what we have to worry about we have a game today.

We head to our game and we did really good we won by a lot so we head back over into the locker rooms and everything was frozen including Adams and my stuff. I picked up my shirt and it fell apart.

Then we looked above the door and it says "Varsity sucks ice!" I look over at Adam and we knew immediately who did it.

I went home pissed because they did that to the hoodie Adam gave me. When I walked into the house Guy says "how was your game?" I tell him " I KNOW WHAT YOU DID ASSHOLE!" He looks at me mad then says " YOU GUYS DID IT FIRST!" I tell him " HOW COULD I HAVE I WAS BY THE PENALTY BOX THE ENTIRE GAME EVEN WHEN YOU GUYS WENT TO THE LOCKER ROOMS!" He then realizes that it was true I couldn't have done it.

I go up to my room and take a shower. I got changed for bed and fell asleep because I can finally sleep in tonight.

I climbed over to Adams window and knocked. He opened the window pulling me in and laying me on the bed.

He got on top of me kissing me. I hug him and we fall asleep with his big fluffy blanket over us and we're cuddling. Best sleep of my life.

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