thirteen || why me?

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I woke up at 5:00 to my alarm blaring. I sat up and drank some of my water on my night stand. I finally decided to get up at 5:15.

I grabbed my back pack off of my desk chair and started packing my bag. I walk down stairs to pack me and Guys lunch which will be a salad and a Rice Krispie treat.

Someone had knocked on the front door so I peak through the peep hole before opening the door. It was Adam. I opened the door and said " Hey Adam!" He replies " Hey Georgia, can I come in?" I nod my head and he walks in.

I ask him "Do you have a lunch for today?" He shook his head no so I went back in the kitchen and packed him a lunch. He walked into the kitchen. I felt arms go around my torso so I looked up.

I finished packing Adams lunch and put it in his bag. Guy still wasn't up yet so I walked up stairs and knocked on his door. He opened it and I told him "Hurry up and get changed also hand me your backpack and your school stuff.

He handed me all his school stuff so I walk back down stairs and started packing his bag. If I don't pack his bag he forgets a bunch of stuff and I like organizing so it's fun for me.

Adam was sitting down on the coach eating a banana. I was already for school and I had a simple outfit on which was baggy jeans and a tank top for shoes I just wore black converse.

Guy walked down stairs in some jeans and a hoodie. Adam was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie I bought him a bit ago.

We all grabbed our stuff and got into Adams car. Guy told Connie we'd pick her up so we were on our way over to her house. Connie was waiting outside when we pulled into her drive way.

She hopped in the back with Guy and gave him a kiss on the cheek. We made it too school 15 minutes before class started to so we rush in a put our stuff in the lockers and head to our first class of the day.

I sat in my seat next to Fulton and gave him a high five like everyday. Class started and we were doing everyday stuff so basically an assignment and notes.

The bell rings so I grab my stuff and wait for Adam. I walk over by the door and he walks over to me and grabs my hand and we walk to our lockers.

We put our math stuff away but all then sudden Mindy and Riley walk over to us. I look at them and say " What do you want?" He looks me up and down then says " Nothing just wanted to see how the couple is doing." I tell him "We're doing amazing! Thanks for asking."

He roles his eyes and we walk to science. Adam was being extremely quiet and I don't know why. During science I lean over and tell Adam "I'm gonna ask to go to the bathroom and once I leave you ask too." He nods his head and I raise my hand. The teacher calls on me and says " Yes Georgia?" I then say " May I go to the restroom." She nods and hands me a pass. I walk out and I see Adam walking behind me.

We walk over to restrooms and start talking so I ask him " What's wrong?" He sighs but doesn't answer my question. I grab his face and pull him down so I can kiss him. He then says " I'm just nervous because earlier in math when we were doing whatever we wanted Riley came over to me and said might wanna protect Georgia next week." Then Mindy winked at me but she's been trying to do worse since the first day.

I look down at the floor but he pulls my face up. I shove him jokingly and we walk back to class. We sit back down in our seats. I lean into him and stay like that the rest of class.

It was now time for lunch so we go to our lockers and get our lunch. We sit down at our regular table but I sit on his lap instead.

The rest of the ducks sit down and of course the varsity walks over to annoy us. Scooter is the only none bad one on that team but he has his eye on Julie. Which I could tell sort of mad Adam mad so I moved to the empty seat next to him.

The varsity starts saying "We're gonna kick some freshman ass." I role my eyes. Cole then looks at me and says " What do you think we can't destroy you guys?" I laugh and reply " Cole the only thing scary about you is your breath, I'll take you down in a second." Riley chuckles and says " I guess it is true your a fire cracker."

I say " Yeah I am what about it?" He shakes his head and I could see Mindy staring at Adam but as this point I didn't care which kinda seemed to tick her off.

Once the bell rang we all went to our lockers. Adam tried talking to me but I just ignored him . We were going to ELA next which I sit next to Guy and Adam sits next to Riley.

They were whispering to each-other but I ignored it like nothing was happening. Guy passes me his water and I take a drink of it.

We finished ELA and got our Spanish stuff. I sat in my seat which was next to Riley but if I could ignore my boyfriend I could ignore him. Adam tried to talking to me before class started but I ignored him.

He sits next to Mindy which there desk is behind me and Riley's. We had a test today and I studied all night but I was getting frustrated. I start stating to myself "Nothing I do is ever good enough." Adam passed me a note and it said " Look can we talk during study hall." I write down "Leave me alone." Then I pass it back to him and finish my test 10 minutes before class ends.

Once the bell rings I get my stuff and hurry to my locker with Adam behind me. I put my stuff in my bag and put it on. I walk outside to a nice table and grab my math home work.

Adam walks up to the table and sits across from me. I look up and he says " Look Georgia-." I cut him off and start saying " Lately I can't help but repeat my self but no it's not your fault still lately I begin to contemplate everything out have told me, I see the way you look at Julie it's the same look you gave her on Team USA so what am I supposed to think?"

He looks shocked but I continue going " I've been doubting our relationship you only just started liking me again this year so I'm gonna ask you one question okay?" He nods and I ask him " Do you still like Julie?"

He looks down and says " A little bit." I get up and pack my back pack and move away from him.

The bell rings at 2:35 and I walk home. It started pouring raining so I grab my umbrella. I made it home decently dry. I walk upstairs to my room and lay down on my bed.

I look over at my desk to see a letter. On the front it said " To Georgia" I open the letter and it says Dear Georgia, look I'm really sorry I didn't tell you I still like Julie but I love you Germaine and not her. When you see this please look through your window."

I look over to see Adam sitting on his window sill staring at me. I close my shades and I put on some sweatpants a hoodie Guy bought me for our birthday and a rain jacket. I grabbed my roller blades and put them on.

I left my house and I went passed Adams house I just had to get away. I wanted to go see Hans. I skated over there as fast as I could but the wheels on my roller blades made me faster. I whipped out on a curb and went unconscious.

I wake up with bloody elbows and knees. I was in Hans shop. I ask him "what happened?" and he said you got knocked out after a skating accident luckily I was going over to drop you off your new hockey stick, I saw someone laying in the grass area so I walk over to them and I saw that it was you so I picked you up and put you in the car."

I say " I was on my way to come see you." He asks "What for?"

I reply "Adam." He looks at me and says "So what's going on?" I tell you everything even about Riley.

He looks at me and says "Georgia have you seen the way Adam cares about you?" I nod my head and he says " I called in some back up." Bombay then walks in and sits down.

Bombay starts talking about how Adam loves me and the only reason he still likes Julie is because he really likes her and he still thinks you like Dean, that's what he told me the day of the meeting."

I ask them " What should I do?" Then Hans says " Follow your heart."

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