twenty-one || mindy

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Monday morning great, I say to myself I get out of my bed. "Good morning Georgia!" Dean says as he walks through my door. "Morning Dean, oh can I see your schedule?" I say. He hands me his schedule. "We have all the same classes!" I say. He smiles and walks out of my room.

I open my shades and I grab my outfit for the day. My book bag was sitting on my desk so I pack that real quick. After that I walk into the bathroom and change. I walk down stairs and ask "Hey Guy do we have practice later?" He yells "Yeah and can you pack my bag?"

I walk upstairs grab his bag and pack his bag. "Here you go Guy!" I say as he takes his bag. I grabbed a apple and put on my shoes. "I'm gonna go talk to Adam real quick." I say as I walk out the door.

I passed through the lawn and knocked on Adams door. "Hey Georgia!" He says. "Hey stranger." I say. He pulls me into a hug and asks "Wanna walk to school?" I nod my head and he grabs his bag.

Dean and Guy walk out the house and join us. Adam and Dean were both walking on my left and right. All the sudden Adam grabs my hand. Dean notices and grabs my other hand.

I role my eyes and say "If your gonna do that what's next your both gonna carry me too school?" They look at each other and pick me up. Dean grabbed my legs and Adam grabbed my torso.

"Oh I'm so gonna get you guys for that at practice." They put me down and we walk normally. "Why do you guys like my sister?" Guy asks jokingly.

We made it to school and we went to our lockers. I put away my bag and grabbed my math stuff. I walked to class with Adam and Dean. We sat in our seats which my new seat is next to Adam.

We start class which was pretty easy just 2 work pages and that was it. My wrist was doing better but it still hurt badly. Mindy was glaring at me but now she was dating Luis which I don't understand.

The bell wrong and we went to our lockers. Got our Science stuff and went to class. My seat was yet again by Adam but the board said changing seats. Except this team she had a seat arrangement. I sat next to Dean and Adam sat next to Guy. Dean looked over at me and smiled.

Class started and we had to read our text books and answer questions. I finished the chapters we were supposed to read which was about pollution and I finished the questions. I helped Dean with his stuff.

"Georgia Germaine can you come up here for a second." The teacher says. I walk up to her desk and she says "You are doing outstanding in this class how would you feel doing a higher level of Science?"

I look down and say "I honestly don't know if I would be able to keep up my grades to stay on Hockey I have all A's but this class is just on the right level for me." She nods her and I walk back to my seat.

I look up at the clock. "Yes only 10 minutes left of class!" I whisper to Dean. He cracks a smile and he gets up to turn in his paper. I pack up my bag and turn to face Adam. Mindy sat behind him with this one girl named Amanda or something. Mindy passed Adam a note. She looked over at me and smirked.

The bell rung and she got up. I went to walk over to Adam but she shoved me. "Your done you spoiled brat." I say. She looks at me and roles her eyes. I walk out the class all pisses off. "Hey banks what did the note say?" I ask. He passes me the note. I shove it into my locker and I walk to my locker.

I put my Science stuff away and grab my lunch. I walk to lunch and sit down. The rest of the ducks sit down. We were enjoying our lunch. I stood up because there wasn't enough seats.

Mindy and the varsity walk over to us. "Now what we're you saying in science?" She asks me. I turn and face her. "Okay preppy brat I'll take you on even with a hurt wrist."

"Your nothing but a spoiled cheer leader with daddy's money, what are you gonna do?" I say. She tries slapping me in the face but Riley grabbed her hand.

The rest of the ducks stand up and say "Georgia will take Mindy on, Friday this week." Guy says. Without reaction Mindy punches me in the face. My lip was bleeding but it was fine, I smirk and lick my lips. "That's all you can do?" Dean says.

I laugh and she walks away. "Damn Georgia that was hot." The team says. Adam glares at them and so does Portman.

Adam grabs my face and says "Does your lip hurt?" I shake my head no and wipe the blood of my lip. The bell rings and I through my stuff away. I walk out to my locker and grab my ELA stuff.

While I was walking Dean put his arm around my shoulders. I look up at role my eyes. We walk to class.

Again nothing really happened in ELA it was a long class with a crap ton of stuff to do. The bell rings and someone touches my shoulder. I turn around and see Riley. "What do you want?" I say. He starts following me out of class. "Georgia look one date that's all just 1."

"How many times has she told you?" Adam says. "Rick Riley she already has to men fighting over her she doesn't need another one." Dean says.

I shove Riley and walk to my locker. Someone shoves me, I turn around to see Connie. "Jeez Connie I thought you were Mindy!" I say. She laughs. I grab my Spanish stuff and close my locker.

Connie says "So who's your bachelor?" I laugh and shrug my shoulders. We walk into class and sit down. Honestly nothing interesting happened. The bell rang and we went to our lockers. Time for study hall. It was really nice outside so I decided to go outside. I grab my bag and wait for Adam and Dean.

They walk outside with me. We find a table and sit down. About 10-15 minutes into that period someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and get punched in the face. "What the hell!?" Adam says. I open my eyes to see Mindy standing there. "Your done on Friday." She says.

She walks away. My nose is dripping blood. "Can One of you go get me something?" I ask. Dean passes me a tissue. Guy walks over, "What the hell happened?!" He says as he sees all the blood and the table.

The rest of the team followed behind him. "Mindy punched her in the face." Dean says. Adam cleaned up the blood by me and sat down. My hand were all bloody so Adam grabbed the tissue and held it for me.

"I'm gonna kill her I swear!" I say. "Wait until Friday." Guy says. The bell rings and Dean packed up all my stuff. "Do you want me to carry you on my back?" Adam asks. I nod my head and Dean takes my bag. My nose stopped bleeding, so I threw away my tissue.

We made it home and I sat down on the couch. "Hey Georgia wanna come over to my place for a bit?" Adam asks. "Sure." I say.

We walk out the door and we go over to his house. He picks me up and brings me upstairs. He sits me down on his bed and says "Your making me crazy Georgia."

He looks me deep into the eyes and says " Who do you like Georgia?" I look at him and say "Ralph Macchio." He laughs and says "no seriously."

"Adam, I like both you and Dean." I say. He sighs and kisses me. "Well I better go get ready for practice." I open his window and climb on the tree to my house.

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