You missed the fun (OffNew)✔️

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It's just another fine day from all the artists in GMMTV. Busy staff, artists running from one place to another, Off teasing New. Wait, what?

Off is casually teasing and bothering New who's busy eating his early lunch. He always do this to Gun but today he's victim is New. New doesn't really pays attention to him but when Off's teasing really making him pissed that's the moment he react.

"Can you please stop, you're bothering me and my food"

"Then can you please stop eating and notice me here"

"What do you want?"

"I want you to drive to the mall later please, I forgot to bring my car"

New is now really pissed off.

"Is that what you're bothering me all about? To drive you to the mall?"

"Well, I guess so?"

"Fine, so please stop what you're doing!"

Off stopped his scheme on teasing New for his benefits. He left New still eating his lunch and now New had the peacefulness that he wishes. Finally.

New finally finished eating and he now stood up and bring his dishes back to the staff's kitchen where usual kitchen things can be spotted.

New washed his own dishes and puts it the drawer where it belongs. He drank a couple glass of water and he feels so relief.

After he drank the water, the suddenly feel peeing. That's too much I guess. He immediately ran to the nearest comfort room and went inside a random cubicle as fast as possible. Yet New was like a cat, running around but not making any loud noises.

He was relieved when he peed and didn't peed on his own pants. He was about to go out the cubicle when he heard somethinf in the other cubicle. He didn't notice someone was there.

At first he didn't mind the person who's in the other cubicle, not until he heards someone moaning. What the fuck?

He was so shock at what he heard. The person in the other cubicle haven't heard himrunning inside he guesses. The moaning keeps on and all the curiosity of New, he climbed up the toilet and peek who's in the other side.

He stood up there and peeking. He saw a person in a suit. Why is he masturbating?! He saw Off masturbating the other side. He's eyes were so wide at what he sees and can't believe his doing this on a public place.

"Why do you have to make me this hard New?"

Did he just mentioned my name? What!?. He's eyes where in total shock and staring to the older one below and he can't move cause in a single move Off might saw him and be mad at him cause hes peeping at him while inside a cubicle.


Off moans as he came and his juice spitted on the cubicle's door and some are on his stomach.

"This thing is useless if you wouldn't swallow this New"

Why do he keeps on mentioning my name?!

Off cleaned himself with a tissue paper on his and even wiped the white liquid that's running down the cubicle's door. He arranged his shirt so that it won't be suspicious and he might get caught.

New was still there standing at the toilet and couldn't move from his position due to his nervousness of beint caught by the older one. Off was now leaving the comfort room and now New went down and sighed for relief.

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