Double the fun (DrakeSing x OhmFrank)✔️

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It's new year's eve and everyone at GMMTV building are having a great time celebrating the last day of the year. People usually go out with their family but this year they decided to invite their family at the building.

"Hi there"

"Oh hello P'Sing, happy new year"

"Happy new year to you too. It's been so long since the last time we've talked to each other Drake"

"Yeah Phi, it's been 4 years I guess the last time we had a casual talk"

"Can you imagine that"

"Well I guess we're just busy in our own business"

"Maybe, but I actually wanna talk to you for a long time already"

"Really? Why didn't you talked to me Phi?"

"I don't know, maybe Frank is more attractive then me haha. I'm so envy to him"

"Don't be envy Phi. You're handsome, you're smart, you're hardworking, and you're so attractive too. Don't down yourself too much"

"We're still that sweet talker back then aren't you?"

"Well I don't have any reasons to change"

The two boys continued to talk while the night is slowly moving at it's pace. The scene of the people celebrating and the cold air passing at their faces is so perfect that made it more romantic.

While they're talking to each other, from not far distance from them. Frank is witnessing the sweet moments of the two. He's looking at them like his going to threw them off the rooftop.

Not so long that passed, Ohm walked near Frank ang asking why is he alone and looking so unhappy.

"Ai'Frank, why are you here alone?"

"I don't need someone to company me"

Ohm looked at what Frank's looking at.

"Are you jealous with them"

"Ye-NO! Why would I?"

"Look at yourself everybody here can see that"

"So what?"

"Are you two even a thing?"


"Then why are you like this?"

"I-I, wait why are you here anyway?"

"I'm just randomly chatting with everybody here. Is that bad?"

"No. Excuse me I'll need to get something"

"Wait for me"

Frank walked out the scene and Ohm chases him as he angrily taking steps in the stairs.

"Stop following me"

"I'm not following you"

"Then what is this?"

"Uhm... Stalking?"

"Yeah right big guy"

"Now you're giving me some random nichnames huh?"

"I don't care. Stop following me"

"Uhm Drake, can you walk me to my manager's desk? I forgot my phone there. And maybe I have to go also"

"Why? It's not New Year yet*

"I have some urges"

"Ok then"

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