The Vihokratana's Trip (PluemNanon)✔️

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The Vihokratana Family which is parted by Tay as the Father, New as their Daddy and Pluem, Frank and Nanon as the children. This BL family went to a vacation trip to one of the great resort which is 2 hours trip from their place.

"P'Pluem, can you ask P'Tay and P'New if where are they, so that we can go to them already"

"Ok wait a minute"

Pluem called Tay on his phone and luckily as usual Tay answers his phone before the second the ring.

"Hello Pluem?"

"Hello P'Tay, we're just going to ask if where are you now? So that we can go with you"

"Oh, we're already on our way to the resort. Didn't you get my message?"

"W-well I haven't received any message from anyone"

"Oh, uhm I guess it didn't delivered. Then I guess you should go here with you car? Can you do it?"

"I guee so? Then I'll just ask Frank if he wants to go with us"

"No need to ask Frank, his with us already. You should go with Nanon here together. Be safe ok?"

"Ok then, we'll be there in a few hours then"

The call ended and Pluem was low-key being mad but he shouldn't be mad. It was an accident that's why he didn't received any message.

"What did he say P'Pluem"

"Pack your bags I'll be driving"

Pluem and Nanon went to the car and started to load the car with their bags. The bags filled the car too much that even the back seats are occupied.

"I can't believe they left us. Si unfair they brought Frank and left us"

"Stop nagging already, it'll be a long trip. I don't want to hear you're nagging throughout the trip"

"But it's trueeee"

Pluem is very careful when he's driving the care especially when he has a passenger. While Nanon is there seating beside him playing with his phone.

"This is BORING!"

"I know"

"How can you keep on driving for almost an hour and a half without bursting to madness?"

"I'm not like you"

"Then how? You're bored and I'm bored, how can we survive this trip"

Nanon keeps on nagging and even bumped his head on his pillow on his lap.

"I'm bored I want you to entertain me"


"Jump out of the car, that's the entertainment I want to see"

"Haha very funny"

Pluem just smiled at Nanon's mad face when he crossed his arms and faced the road.

Nanon then looked to the older one who's very concentrated to the road.

"I have thought of something entertaining P'"

"If it's not involving you and ambulance then I don't want it"


With his words, Nanon puts his palm at the older one's thighs. Nanon's hand runs down back and fort to Pluem's thigh.

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