The Dark Place - Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty


Jack Moon rubbed his tired eyes, stretched and yawned. He had been writing for over five hours non stop but he was on a roll; he had to keep going. He didn't know where the words were coming from but suddenly it was as if he knew everything there was to know about the history of Munford House.

He looked down at the word count and saw that he had totalled almost eight thousand words. Wow, that's my best run ever, he thought as he reached out for his cup of coffee. Without taking his eyes away from the monitor, he raised it to his lips and took a sip of the cold liquid. "Shit, I'll have to make some fresh," he told himself. He put the cup back down, leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes again.

He felt relaxed. He hadn't realised just how tired he was until that moment. "I guess I can take a nap for a few minutes," he said, "I think I've earned it."


Tamicka hated being alone in the dark bedroom. The dim beam of her flashlight did nothing to enhance the oppressive atmosphere. She needed someone to talk to but she was too frightened to leave her bed.

The knock at the door made her jump. The door opened slowly and the yellow light from the passage invaded the room. Tamicka quickly clicked off her torch and curled up under the duvet.


Mrs. Hughes didn't turn on the light when she entered the room. Very quietly the old woman walked up to the bed where the sleeping girl lay and watched her gentle breathing. She wanted to touch her, to smooth her hair and tell her that everything was going to be all right, but she didn't want to wake her.

She opened the small bag she had brought up with her, took out the toy dog and placed it gently next to the little girl who didn't stir.

"Good night little one. Sleep tight."

Time for me to get some sleep too, she thought as she turned to leave, have to be up bright and early in the morning.


Tamicka opened her eyes and watched the room darken again as the old woman closed the door behind her. She didn't know why she hadn't spoken to her when she had come into the room. She had wanted company and when it came she had shunned it.

There was something weird about Mrs. Hughes. Ever since they had met her in the car park Tamicka had noticed that she had acted strangely. She didn't say anything but the old woman whom she had grown to love suddenly made her feel uncomfortable.

She touched the soft thing that had been left in her bed. It felt nice and she hugged it close. She had found her father again today but in return she may have lost Mrs. Hughes.


Jack Moon awoke to find the slideshow screensaver had kicked in. A close-up portrait of his wife smiled back at him and his heart instantly sunk. Why did Jean have to die? She was young, talented and had everything to live for.

He remembered the day she had left for Toronto to promote her latest Art exhibition. It had been the last time he had seen her alive.


It had been the week before Christmas and everything was covered in a deep blanket of snow. For a while they were worried that the cab might not be able to make it in time to get her to the airport. Thanks to the snowploughs that had not been a problem. Jack helped his wife put her case into the boot of the taxi and kissed her.

"You go knock 'em out honey." He told her.

"I'll do my best," replied Jean.

Tamicka ran over from the snowman they had all made earlier that day and gripped onto her mother's waist like a limpet. "Please don't go mommy," she pleaded.

"Come on Tammie, you have to be a big girl now," said Jean as she stroked her daughter's hair.

"Can't you just wait till after Christmas?"

Jack put his hand on his daughter's shoulder. "Come on now Bunny, we've been through this so many times already," he said. "You know that mommy has to go."

"But I don't want her to." Tamicka kept her face hidden against her mother.

"Look sweetheart," said Jean, taking Tamicka's ruddy cheeks in her hands and gently raising her head so their eyes met. "It's not going to be for long; I promise I'll make it up to you when I get back.

Jack watched the tears flow down his daughter's cheeks. He knew how much she was suffering because he felt the same way. He watched as Tamicka pushed her head against Jean's stomach and held on even tighter.

"Please mommy, let me come too."

"Come on now Tammie, that's enough of that," said Jean firmly, detaching herself from her daughter's grip. "I need you to be a strong girl and look after daddy while I'm away, okay?"

The little girl didn't answer. She just stood there with her little red nose running and cried.

Jack's heart went out to his daughter at that moment and he could see that Jean's did too. He held he shoulders tenderly and pulled her, still facing her mother, back to him. There would be no consoling her once the cab finally drove away.

"But what about Christmas day? You have to come back for Christmas day at least," Tamicka sobbed.


Tamicka cut her mother off. "Just Christmas day, that's all I want."

"I'll see what I can do."

"No you have to promise, mommy."

There was a long silence before Jean finally said, "All right, I promise."

"Cross your heart and hope to die."

"Cross my heart."

"No mommy, you have to say the whole thing or you won't be able to keep the promise," said the little girl through her tears.

"Okay baby, cross my heart and hope to die." With that Jean crouched down and kissed Tamicka on her forehead.

As her mother entered the taxi Tamicka made a lunge for her but Jack held firmly onto her shoulders, keeping her close to him. They both stood there watching until the cab was finally out of sight.


Jack Moone cleared his head again in time to see the picture of Tamicka sitting on her mother's lap in their home back in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Both of them smiled back at him and he remembered the day he had taken it; the day before Jean had left for Toronto.

Why had she done it? Why had Tamicka made her mother say "hope to die"? If she hadn't made her say it then Jean would still be alive today. It was all her fault. If Jean hadn't been trying to keep her promise to her daughter she would still be alive today and they wouldn't be living in that godforsaken place. He had seen enough pictures, had enough memories. Now all he wanted to do was lose himself in his work. Jack moved the mouse and the last page he had written returned to the screen. As he scrolled up he could every page he had written was covered in just three words,




Author's Note

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