The Dark Place - Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Chapter Thirty-Nine


"Look, if you haven't got anything proper to say don't say anything at all?" yelled Penny as she threw herself back into the armchair by the fire.

"But you know I'm telling the truth, don't you?" said Cass as she stared over at Penny from her place on the sofa.

"I know that you're talking rubbish!"

"I heard you when you were talking to your mum earlier; you told her that Tamicka was frightened of you."

"And you've been poking your nose in where it's not wanted again, haven't you?"

"You silly little girl, can't you just use your head for a second, it's as clear as day that child upstairs is not Tamicka."

Penny narrowed her eyes at the young woman on the sofa and dug her fingernails into the soft leather of the chair's arms. "All right, if you know so much who is she?"

Before Cass could answer the question Mrs. Hughes entered the living room, closing the door behind her. "Let's have a bit of quiet in here you two, there's a little girl upstairs who's trying to sleep."

Cass looked at Mrs. Hughes, her face a picture of calm. "This place is so big I doubt that thing up there will be able to hear us."

"I beg your pardon young lady!" Penny saw the old woman's features turn from soft to stone in less than a second as she stared at Cass.

"She keeps saying Tamicka's been taken over by something," said Penny turning her own gaze towards the woman on the sofa.

"I know how it sounds but..."

Cass' words were cut short by the housekeeper. "Now that will be quite enough of that from the pair of you; that little girl has been through a lot today and the last thing that she needs is you's two acting up like this."

Penny cut her eyes accusingly at Cass before returning her attention to Mrs. Hughes. "How is she?" The old woman took in a deep breath and softened once more but there was something in her expression that worried Penny. "Is she going to be all right?"

Cass' voice was nothing more than a thin mist over the tension in the room. "Tamicka won't be all right until that thing has gone."

Penny pretended that she had heard nothing and she could tell by the look on the old woman's face that she had done the same. "I'm sure Tamicka will be fine after she's had a good night's sleep. Anyway, Mr. Moon's in the study is he dear?"

"Yes and mum's in there with him. He was a bit stressed out so she went to see if he needed anything."

"He won't be all right either," whispered Cass, "not until we fix his daughter."

Neither Penny nor Mrs. Hughes acknowledged her words.


The girl pressed the button on the bedside lamp and the room was bathed in a warm yellow glow. She sat up against the pillows and looked around the room. She knew that Tamicka was regaining her strength, finding her way back through the darkness, but there was so much to do before the night was out. In the past, when her own spirit had managed to find the strength to escape the vast nothingness for short periods of time, everything had seemed transparent and untouchable. Even in the subtle light of the bedside lamp, things looked much brighter and more colourful than she had remembered. She had completely forgotten how good it was to feel the flutter of excitement that flowed around inside her at that moment.

She stretched her new arms out in front of her and marvelled at the delicate golden hairs which were only just visible in the soft light. She prodded one of the fine cuts on her forearm with her finger, enjoying the sharp pain. She enjoyed this new body and this new life. She had to get out of the house without the others seeing. There was work to be done and she had to get it finished before Tamicka became stronger.


Tamicka saw a dim glow in the distance. She didn't want to go towards it; she had been in the nothingness for so long that she was frightened to leave it. She tried to turn back towards the darkness but she found herself being drawn towards the tiny point of light ahead. A warm sensation hit her as she floated closer towards it. Her fear grew as a picture gradually formed in front of her eyes. All she could do was watch as her reflection beamed back at her from the mirror above the washbasin. It was her face – there was no doubt about that – yet at the same time it was not. There was something there that seemed completely alien to her.

What have you done to me?

"Don't worry, I told you that it won't be for long." The sound of her own voice shocked Tamicka. "I think we're going to get along very well, all you have to do is relax."

That's enough; I want you to leave now. For a split second Tamicka saw a hint of fear in her eyes. It wasn't her fear, this time it was the fear of the other girl.

"I can't, not yet anyway, not until I've finished."

What are you talking about?

"Never you mind, just relax.

But I hate it here; I want to come back!

"All in good time Tamicka," answered her reflection, "Right now it's time for you to sleep."

The face which used to belong to her was the last thing Tamicka saw before she was pulled slowly back into the darkness.

Author's Note

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