The Dark Place - Chapter Fifty-One (Part Three)

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Frozen by fear, Wendy knew that it would only be a matter of time before the girl kept her promise and found some way into the loft. She had to regain her composure and make her escape while there was still time.

She tried to move her head towards the window at the other end of the loft to her right but she was stuck rigid. Her eyes moved slowly toward their goal but even at full turn the window was just out of her field of vision.

A sound from somewhere below brought with it a new wave of determination and Wendy forced her head to move. The window was small, barely large enough for her to squeeze through, but it was the only other way out of the loft. She willed herself to move, slowly at first, but when the next sound of movement came from downstairs she doubled her efforts.


"We've checked everywhere down here!" said Moon as he walked towards the reception room doorway.

"Hold on Jack, where are you going?"

The concern in Donna's voice stopped him in his tracks and he looked back to see her still comforting Mrs. Hughes on the sofa near the huge fireplace.

"I'm just going to check upstairs."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" she asked, "I mean... don't you think it would be best to get in touch with the police before we do anything else?"

"That bunch of idiots?" snapped Moon. He instantly regretted it and settled himself with a deep breath. "I have to do this. Tami could be in trouble or hurt right now for all I know!" He gave what he hoped looked like an apologetic half smile, turned and walked out of the room.


The spirit felt the grip it had held over the little girl begin to fade. It was getting weaker. It would only be a matter of time before the spell completely slipped away and it would be cast out for good. It had to block out the words of the young medium. It had to find the last girl. Once she was dead the possession of the young body would be complete.

The last girl was in the loft moving toward the window and freedom. This was the sprit's last chance.


Moon strained his eyes against the blanket of darkness which surrounded him. All of the doors to either side of the hallway were shut so not a flicker of light bled into the passageway. It was like walking with his eyes closed.

It was a little while before he noticed the dim glow coming from under one of the doors at the far end of the passage. It only lasted for a second but that was long enough for Moon to make his way to where the door was. As he reached it an ice cold chill radiated into the surrounding area. He reached out his hand in search of the door and when his fingers came into contact with it he was blasted back into the wall behind as if the wood had somehow been charged with electricity.

Again there was a fleeting glimpse of a glow under the door before he saw the torchlight coming from the direction of the staircase.

"Oh my god!" cried Donna from the end of the passage. "What happened?"

Moon rubbed the back of his head as he slowly climbed to his feet.

"Donna, I'm going to need that flashlight." Without another word he composed himself and kicked the door open.


Wendy looked down at the back garden far below. She was on the ledge which ran the length of the roof and the only way down from there was by hanging over the edge and climbing down the drain pipe at the far corner of the house. She could not even be sure that the new plastic piping would hold her weight. The only other option was to climb up the slippery, grey slates to the top of the pitched roof but from there she truly would have no hope of escape.

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