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The house was deserted and falling apart

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The house was deserted and falling apart. Pieces of debris crumbling to the ground. Bill entered first a determined expression on his face. Taking a nervous breath Bea followed behind him. Richie and Eddie last who was breathing heavily, they looked around the place warily.

"I cant believe I picked the short straw." Richie mumbled as he looked around the room, "You guys are lucky we arent measuring dicks."

"Shut up, Richie." Eddie told him not making eye contact with him as he looked around in disgust, he held his inhaler tighly in his hand with his jaw wobbling. "I can smell it..."

"Don't breathe through your mouth." Richie told him scrunching up his nose. A disgusted expression on his face.

"How come?" Eddie asked confused. He halted looking around the room and glanced at his friend.

"Cause then you're eating it." he remarked bluntly making Eddie gag and take another puff of his inhaler. Richie stepped into a room with lots of cobwebs noticing something in them.

Bea walked to his side as he grabbed the item from the cobwebs and began reading it. She stood beside him reading it too. Dread forming in her stomach as she realised what it was, it was a missing poster. Richie's missing poster. Full of his details but with todays date on it.

"Th-this say im missing." Richie told them his hands shaking. He had gone pale. The paper held tightly in his hands. Bill took quick strides towards the two. Worry on his face.

"Y-y-youre not missing" Bill told him as Bea tried to grab the poster of him and failed. Richie backing away from her in his panic. Eddie stood by the door taking a big puff of his inhaler. He watched the scene warily.

"Police department of the city of Derry." Richie exclaimed loudly, fear written all over his face and hands shaking wildly. "That's my shirt, my hair, my face, thats my age, thats the date!"

"Rich, its not real." Bea told him with tears in her eyes at seeing her usually so joking friend so afraid. It was unsettling through every thing he had held onto his humour, but it was gone.

"Bea's right it isnt real." Bill said grabbing it off Richie and crumpling it up before throwing it away. "It says it right here! it says im missing!" Richie yelled shaking Bill who was trying to calm him down. "Why the fuck does it say im missing?!"

Bea felt tears threatening to fall over as Bill grabbed onto Richie's arms forcing him to stay still and told him firmly."IT's playing tricks on you. this isnt real okay?"

"Hello?" Their heads all snapped towards the stairs having heard the weak voice. "Helloo? help me please?!" the voice begged sobbing. Loud wailing sobs filled with pain and fear.

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