Dear Diary,
Bubbles got a little too excited this morning and flooded the kitchen... I love you Bubbles but why must you make me spend my morning draining and cleaning the floor? Not to mention I'm probably going to get my soul eaten again by a cookie again curtesy of May and her, "Roman must eat breakfast" rule. Other than the unfortunate morning I still have some good vibes (and cake) left over from yesterday to keep happy. Speaking of yesterday, I got my paycheque for fighting the shadow demon yesterday! $4,380 apparently, it was going to be $5,000 but when, May got swept up in my misplaced tornado she knocked over the demon's corpse which damaged an office building. So of course the pay for the damages came from our pockets since we both made mistakes.Speaking of yesterday! May and I went to see the water falls which were all lit up tonight as my birthday fell on a Friday this year. We also went clothes shopping cause why not, though May asked to keep her things at my house because her parents can't know about the whole, "mahou shoujo" thing and she's having trouble finding a part time job leading to her parents seeing her as broke. We then got sushi rolls for lunch and accidentally ordered WAY more than we meant to (I got sick from too much) so we have lots of leftovers. I got to go to a concert that I've been dying to go to, but a certain someone who came with me threw my debit card across the room so I couldn't pay, you can assume who. Lastly, we had a barbecue with a bunch of desserts as well as the massive tiered strawberry cheesecake May made me, now I see why she didn't let me eat any at the cafe... I feel like I'm forgetting something but the house smells really sweet and I can't focus!
Oh shoot! May slept over! I gotta get up and get dressed!
See ya Diary,
Roman(Ps: May made crepes 🥺!)