Strawberry taste

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Once you enter the Mafia, there is no turning back. The only way out is death.

Chan was ruthless. That's how he climbed the hierarchy.

He started as a Made man, a Soldier. The lowest ranking member in the Mafia. He still remembers his first murder. Chan didn't even blink when he pulled the trigger. Now he was the Underboss in the Family.

But being ruthless has it costs.

Chan forgot a long time ago how to be human. And today that took a toll on him. He desperately needed some piece, before he lost himself completely. He needed a place, where no one knew him. No one feared him. Where he could be a normal person, just for a few moments. So, he drove with no direction. Aimlessly driving until he saw a coffee shop. It was an ordinary coffee, but something enchanted him. So, he parked the car in front and entered the shop.

It was early morning. The shop was just opened so Chan was the only costumer inside. He went for the bar and sat there. Waiting for the barista.

"I haven't seen you around before." The barista was a young man. Pretty. With charming smile that stunned Chan for a second.

"Yeah. Its my first time around." Chan answered.

"What can I get you then?" The barista asked.

"I don't know. Surprise me." Chan just answered.

Being an Underboss wasn't easy. Chan was a target not only by the other Families, but by his under men as well. His enemies wanted him gone. His members wanted his place. That's how powerful Chan was. So, it was rare for him to go out, alone. The boy at the bar looked harmless. So, he hoped that luck was on his side today. Chan was going to drink his coffee like a normal person. Well as normal you can be in an ordinary coffee shop dressed in a three-peace suit.

What he didn't expect was for the barista to place in front of him a pink drink with cream and a cherry on top of it.

"Strawberry frappe." The boy said happily.

"With a cherry?" Chan questioned.

"You told me to surprise you, didn't you?" The barista said.

Chan only smiled at the answer.

Strawberry he thought, only making his smile bigger. It was so long when someone was so bold with him. In any other circumstances the boy wouldn't see the next sunset. But Chan came here for that. To have his peace for just a moment, so he enjoyed it.

The shop started to fill, so Chan didn't have another chance to talk to the boy, so he drank his drink in peace. The drink sure was refreshing, leaving a sweet taste in Chan's mouth. When he was done, he placed a hundred on the bar and said his goodbye to the boy, not waiting for his change.

Chan sure was going to come back again. He didn't expect this to be the next day. He was again the first costumer. Again, in his three-piece suit.

"Ah, so you liked the drink yesterday?" The barista said with his biggest smile he could make.

Chan only hummed.

"Want another strawberry frappe?" The boy asked.

"With a cherry on top." Chan said.

"With a cherry on top." The boy echoed.

And again, the shop started to fill. Chan drank in peace, alone. Again, leaving a hundred, not waiting for change.

For a week, Chan came every morning. Dressed in a three-piece suit. Being the first costumer. Ordering strawberry frappe with a cherry on top. Leaving a hundred bill.

He liked that. It was a nice change for him.


It was Friday night. Chan wasn't to the coffee shop today. He had a mission to complete.

"Can you work faster Changbin? I need to be somewhere!" Chan said with gritted teeth.

Changbin was Chan's Capo. His right hand. His best friend.

"I am doing my best. If someone worked faster, we would have finished a long time ago." Changbin said angrily looking at Hyunjin.

"Yeah, blame it on the pretty boy." Hyunjin said rolling his eyes.

Hyunjin was a soldier. He was good, skilled. Chan liked him so, he took him under his wing.

They worked pretty fast actually, but the task was hard. They gave their best every time. Making sure Chan would look good in the Boss's eyes. Hoping he would be the next Boss when the time came.

A few hours later they were done. Chan hurried to his car, hoping the shop wasn't closed yet.

"And where is mister Underboss going?" Changbin asked him.

"None of your business. Just report that the problem had being handled. I'll see you two at home." Chan said and got in his car.


Chan parked in front of the coffee. When he reached for the door, he saw the sign "closed". His heart skipped a beat. But he saw the lights still on so he tried the door. It was unlocked, so he entered.

"We are closed." The barista answered, not looking.

"I wouldn't be able to sleep without my daily strawberry frappe." Chan said with a smile.

"With a cherry on top." The boy said smiling back.

"With a cherry on top." Chan echoed.

"You are late today, but I am in a good mood so you have luck. You can sit and wait till I make it." The boy said.

To that Chan only hummed happily and took a sit on the bar.

He then realized that it was late and the boy was still at work. How long was his shift?

"Why are you still at work?" Chan asked him.

"The shop is mine, so I stay the whole day." The boy simply said.

So, if I am late again, you will be waiting for me then." Chan said happily.

The barista only smiled bigger to the comment.

He was surprised when the boy gave him the usual order but with something new on it.

"Sprinkles?" Chan asked surprised.

"Well, you look like you need some sprinkles." The boy laughed.

"Yeah, I think I need some in my life right now." Chan said with a big smile.

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