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"I thought that Chan doesn't kill women." Hyunjin said looking at the girl's body.

Her eyes were wide open looking at nothing, making Hyunjin to cringe. This was going to bring nightmares for sure. Changbin juts closed her eyes.

"He doesn't. That was the first time." Changbin said, zipping the bag.

Chan was already on the phone talking with potential allies, offering money or weapons as payment.

"Do you think we will save him?" Hyunjin asked hesitating to continue.

"Alive?" Changbin asked, knowing what the younger was afraid to ask out laud.

Hyunjin only nodded, not looking at the elder man.

"If Minho is as smart as they say, the chances of us finding Jeongin alive are pretty much one hundred percent. At this point the Don has nothing more to lose, but Chan has so, I assume that they'll keep him alive until they Chan reaches them. You saw how Minho panicked when Jeongin passed out? He tried to save him." Changbin said.

"I hope you are right." Hyunjin whispered.

"We will bring him back. I promise you that Chan will turn the world upside down to find him." Changbin told him placing his hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"Do you think Chan blames me for what happened with Innie?" Hyunjin asked.

"He never blamed you Hyunjin. Quite the opposite, he blames himself for not coming that morning with you two." Changbin told him.

By the end of the day Chan had managed to gather enough people. It turned out many wanted revenge. The word of what Chan was doing was spreading pretty fast. By midnight he was in front of a mansion that Chan had no idea existed. He had a talk with the Don's wife and she gladly told him what he wanted and even more in exchange for their safety. But Chan had no plans on harming her or the daughter since they were innocent.

"I have one more request." She said.

Chan only hummed, gesturing her to continue.

"I want him to suffer." She spat.

"He will, believe me. He will pay for everything." Chan said.

This wasn't only because of Jeongin or the Familia. No, this started years before. When Chan was still young. When Minho was his best friend and Sungie was still with them.

Chan and Minho were best friends since they could remember. It was always just the two of them, supporting each other in spite of everything. One day Minho informed Chan that he met someone. A pretty girl named Sungie. The three of them started hanging together all the time. It was a nice change to finally have someone else with them. But soon Chan found a difference in Minho's behavior towards Sungie. The way he looked at her, the way his eyes lightened when he saw her, the way he smiled at her. Chan knew that Minho found his happiness in the face of Sungie. He was so glad for his friend. And he was even happier when she returned Minho's feelings.

"You are ranting about creating a family with Sungie, but you need to study so you could support that family." Chan told him.

Minho was naturally gifted. He was really smart, but lazy. He could easily achieve anything if he wanted to. When they got in trouble, Minho was the one finding a way out. But since he met Sungie he stopped with the reckless actions. Chan was happy since she made them both better in one way or another. It was like she was send to show them that they could have a happy ending after all. Well Minho at least.

"Don't worry Channie. I am sure you find your significant other sooner or later." Sungie told him.

It was the two of them waiting for Minho to finish his last class.

"And how will I know if I met her?" Chan asked.

"Or him." Sungie smiled.

"Ok her or him." Chan rolled his eyes.

"Easy silly. Your mind would be filled with thoughts only of them. How are they? Where are they? What are they doing? You would do anything to make them smile. But most importantly you would be at peace when they are with you. Like you could breathe." Sungie smiled at Chan.

"Is that how you feel with Minho?" Chan asked.

"And even more." She answered.

Yeah, this sounded nice. Chan hoped he could find his soulmate, if the existed of course. For now, he was simply enjoying life with his two friends.


"I am going to propose to her Channie." Minho told him smiling like an idiot.

"Aren't you too young for this?" Chan asked.

"Why wait any longer when I am sure I want to spend my life with her?" Minho answered.

"Do you want me to leave then?" Chan asked.

"No, of course not. I want you to be with me in this important moment of my life." Minho beamed.

"You want me to witness how you make a fool out of yourself?" Chan joked.

"Do you think she would say yes?" Minho asked nervously.

"Of course, she would. She loves you so much." Chan smiled.

Chan still wonders if they were cursed, him and Minho.

They were waiting for Sungie. She was leaving the school finally and was heading towards them, but before she could cross the street a black car parked in front of her. And before the two boys could reach her, she was gone. The first thing the did was to call the police. But they couldn't do nothing since it turned out that the car belonged to the head of the Mafia. The police were handcuffed so, the boys searched for Sungie themselves. A few hours passed it was getting dark and it started to rain but they didn't give up. And around midnight they found her. Dead. Minho was crushed. Chan had never seen him like that, even in the most difficult moments they had. But this was understandable. Chan just witnessed Minho losing his soul.

And the bad things didn't stop from there. No, all evidence of her abduction just vanished. The had no proof against the Don. That's how Minho decided to do it himself. That's how Minho became an associate. Chan was still against it, but it was too late now. Minho had entered the Mafia and there was no way out now. So, he did the right thing at that moment, he joined himself.

It turned out that the Don put his eyes on Sungie because she was pretty and wanted her for that but he killed her in the process. Minho was furious when he found out but as an associate, he couldn't reach the Don so he worked hard to reach him. He distanced himself from Chan. The only thing Chan could do was seeing his best friend became a ruthless man, killing without remorse. Now Chan lost all he ever had. His two best friends. After that he never saw or talked to Minho.

They stood in front of the mansion's gates. The code for the doors was the same the wife gave them. In minutes the whole place was in fire. Chan was looking for Jeongin, hoping he was still in one piece.

"CHAN." Changbin yelled.

He stood in front of an odd-looking door. He entered the code he used for the front doors, and to his surprise it was the same. That proved how stupid this man was. When he opened the door he was now face to face with Jeongin who was held by the Don a gun aimed at his head and behind them was Minho.

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