Happy Birthday Phi (TaySingto)✔️

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Singto, Krist, Off, Gun, Tay and New are still on their shooting area. Filming I'm Tee Me Too. The series' shooting will be ending soon and they're so happy that all of them had a series all together.

In the same day is also Tay's birthday. They gave Tay birthday wishes and gifts. They had a little birthday dinner in that specific location where they shoot. After their shooting they continued to eat and even begun to drink some beer.

"Happy Birthday Phi Tay"

"Aw thank you Nong Singto"

"This is so great, celebrating you birthday here in our shooting are thank you so much"

"That's nothing Nong. And besides I owe you all a treat"

"You're so generous Phi Tay, Phi New must be very lucky"

Tay and Singto talked while others are still laughing in the table inside the house. All of them are definitely drunk. Some staff already greeted Tay and headed home already cause it's pretty late already. There were some people left and the six of them.

People are slowly leaving the venue to head to their own homes with their family. The six actors still on drinking beers as tomorrow is their free day, they can waste all night if they want.

"Nong, we should go home already it's 11:30pm already"

Phi Jane told Singto who's still drinking with the other actors.

"Can I stay here a little bit more Phi?"

"No you can't, and besides only you six are left here and all of you are drunk. You are unable to drive"

"Please Phi? We can stay here for the night, there are beds to sleep on Phi"

Phi Jane sighs and wasn't able to get Singto out of this state. And besides he can only drink this mush for atleast 1 in every 1-2 months so he let's him stay with them for the night.

"Ok then, text me if anything happens ok? For all of you take care of each other, don't kill anyone ok?"

Phi Jane jokes at them and left the venue and proceeds to take his car to go home.

"Cheers for the 47th time for Tay Tawan's birthday"


"Thank you guys, thank you for all of you I had this kind of friends"

"Have you asked us if we wanted to be your friend?"

As usual Tay and Off keeps their mouth loud with their rants and laughs. Gun and Krist had their own topic while New is busy eating everything he can see in the table. Meanwhile Singto is just there, sitting and drinking and also being mesmerized by someone. No it's not Krist. It's Tay.

Singto keeps on glancing at Tay, looking so curious at the man in front of him. No one can notice him that cause everyone is busy minding their own business.

It's 1:30am already and Krist, Gun, New and Off are already knocked out due to their drinking. All of them already headed to all the places they can occupy to sleeep on. While Singto is still there sitting on the same place as he where.

Tay got back from assisting the others to their sleeping places. He finally noticed Singto being quiet for a long time since he's last chat with his manager.

"Ai Nong are you ok?*

"I'm fine Phi"

"Are you sober already?"

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