Chapter 1: Warm Welcoming

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I've had it.

I'm done with Ronald Bilius Weasley. I mean it this time too.

I should've known it would end up like this, a mess. It technically all started with Lavender back in 6th year. He knew I liked him, he had to, it was so obvious, yet he still chose her over me.

But finally towards the end, he realized I was the one for him. It really was great between us in the beginning. He was just himself. Funny and kind. I spent the whole summer at the Burrow with him and his family while my parents were away on vacation in France. We had barely left each other's side. He was my first serious boyfriend too, I don't really count Viktor.

Then it's like the switch flipped when school started again in September. It started small, with little things. Like he'd constantly forget school work, which is normal, but then he'd ask me for it. It started to grow, he'd get possessive of me even when there was no reason to. I wanted to study with Dean, who everyone knows is gay and with Seamus, but he freaked the fuck out claiming people would think I'm cheating on him. Soon I never got time to myself, my life was Ron's life.

So I started lying, saying I was in the library studying, which sometimes was true, but other times I'd go hide in the astronomy tower or hang around the Black Lake. He never liked when I did school, so he'd let me be. I had gotten caught a few times by McGonagall but she'd usually let me off with the usual warning because she knew I did work very hard.

I wasn't so lucky this time around. I feel like such an idiot. I should've known he was going to follow me, snoop to find out what I'm actually doing.

"Why're you lying to me 'Mione?" he asked, walking from behind the bush he was hiding behind.

I turned around from the Black Lake, still surprised to see him here "I wanted to be alone, honestly"

He looked at me skeptically, then started shaking his head "You're cheating on me aren't you." He moved forward, I stepped back "Who, who is it?"

I rolled my eyes, looking at him in bewilderment "No one, Ron. Stop being so ridiculous!" I started pacing back and forth in front of the lake "You're jealousy is the reason I'm here. I'm tired of you constantly being around me, dictating what I do. That's not who I am, I don't let people just control me like that."

His face was growing red, visibly showing his rising anger "But you love me, it doesn't matter, we're happy. You could've told me-"

"Stop. Just stop" I stopped pacing and turned to face him "I couldn't have told you because we'd start the argument that we're currently having!" I sighed, taking a few angry breaths before continuing "We're not happy, Ron, I did love you at one point" His face fell, unreadable "But not anymore. You're not the same, I don't know what happened but I didn't choose to date an absolute prick!"

"Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley," The depressing voice of Snape grumbled, "I do hate to interrupt this conversation, but I'm a bit fatigued and would like to finish reporting you both in for being out after hours, in order to get to my chambers."

Ron didn't so much as look at me as we followed Snape to the headmaster's office, even as we were led to sit in the seats next to each other.

Dumbledore summoned McGonagall, who arrived in her nightgown with her hair braided in a crown plait on top of her head. They discussed privately while Snape retired to his chambers, just as he said he would.

"Mr. Weasley, you may go back to your dorm, but remember this as a warning" Dumbledore announced once the professor and headmaster had returned.

Ron left without a word.

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