Chapter 4: Hermione's First Game

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My first game was today, and we couldn't be more ready for ravenclaw.

The slytherin boys actually took my critics very well, and applied them to their playing, if we don't win that means the other team definitely cheated. This was also the first game of the season that counted towards the Quidditch House Cup. I would really like them to start the season off right.

When they played ravenclaw earlier this year they won, but the ravenclaws weren't too far behind in score, so we can't get comfortable.

I knocked on the door to the locker room about 30 minutes or so before the game was supposed to start. Adrain was the friendly smile I met as he opened it for me. Besides the night with Malfoy in the closet, Adrian had walked with me back to the castle after every practice. It was nice, he was nice.

"Ready for the game?" I asked, walking past him, seeing the others all at their cubbies either continuing to get dressed or starting their pregame rituals.

Adrian nodded, "Definitely, all thanks to you and your help"

I blushed a little, "Pucey, keep the flirting to a minimum, don't get distracted," Flint said, adjusting his knee pads.

"I wasn't flirting!" The brown haired boy shot back.

That earned him a pat on the shoulder from Nott, "Sure you weren't" Everyone laughed as Adrian not so discreetly left the room.

I dared to take a look at Malfoy, who after our experience in the closet had been...odd. He'd either be that flirty, funny, Malfoy, or a complete utter prick.

He was staring at me, already decked out in his slytherin jersey, I was about to look away when he suddenly asked "Do your little gryffindors know you do this Granger?"

I felt everyone eyes on me, "No," I said with a small shake of the head, "They don't, the only people who suspect I'm up to something is Harry and Ginny, but Ginny just thinks I'm with a boy"

Draco smirked "Ah, so we're just your dirty little secret"

My mouth went a little dry as I rolled my eyes. Damn, him.

Flint motioned for us to sit in the center of the room on the couches, I sat next to Nott, sadly on the end closest to Flint. After hearing Flint's comment about me in the locker room the other day, I had been doing whatever I could to avoid him.

"Anything you need to say Granger?" He asked, I nodded standing up.

"Remember Zabini, Flint, and Crabbe have scouts here, but that doesn't mean you can't always be spotted, so play like there's a scout watching you." I sat back down as everyone nodded. I noticed they aren't talking a lot, but that probably means they are just focused on the game and that's all that matters.

"Very well-" Flint began to say before Zabini cut him off.

"I have a question for Granger," He said. I nodded my head for him to continue, "Why aren't you wearing green?"

I looked down to my solid black tank and jeans. I shrugged "This was the best I could do, I don't own any slytherin green"

He shook his head tutting "That can not do Granger, you need to support your team-"

"-This isn't my team"

"-And wear green" He finished saying.

I crossed my arms, "Well apologies, I don't have green, nor do I wear it"

He shook his head and got up going over to the equipment closet, he came out holding up the oldest, most vintage slytherin letterman jackets I've ever seen, with a grin wide on his face. "Voila, here's something you can wear"

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