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The ache I’ve felt within me reminded me of the tale I’ve always heard every time I was in the presence of an Evergreen. They said… the pain was beyond anything; that no mere adjectives, nor poetic strokes of language, could describe how it truly felt. 

Hot tears of betrayal cascaded from my cheeks, down to my shaking lips. As my tongue came into contact with the salty taste, I fell on my knees. I screamed my heart out as rage consumed me.

Without hiding how broken I was, I looked at the man whom my entire relatives trusted with all their hearts. I couldn’t even conceal how my hands shook in desperation to hit him with something. I knew there might be a story behind what happened, but his bloody hands, and the gun and knife beside him, were the telltale of what really took place.

He remained silent. His calculating sapphire eyes stared at me too intently, never unfazed despite the clear loathing in my expression. I wiped my tears furiously while preparing for whatever venomous words I could spit on him. I hate how Aric could still look breathtakingly handsome despite the bloody mess he caused. In my excruciating gaze, his perfect jaw turned rigid. 

“You know what, before I’ll pull my shits together and call the damn police, you might as well kill me now, Aric!” I screamed. 

I threw my backpack at him with the remaining energy I have. He just dodged it easily. Fucking cheesecake!

“If you’re a fucking book, you son of a fucking bitch, you fucking earned my twisted respect for your major plot twist! Screw you, Montgomery!”

Despite what happened with us in the past, never in my most gruesome nightmare I’d ever thought that Aric could do something like this.

Still shaking from rage, I walked where my father’s lifeless body laid. As I evaluated his position, my knees turned to jelly. It took me too much mental restraint not to turn my back and run. No amount of preparation would make it easy to see my father dead. 

“D-dad…” My voice broke. 

Among all the corpses, he was the only one whose death seemed fast. A bullet straight to the heart, compared to the horrifying state of my other relatives who received over three bullets in their body and stabs from the knife. I held his icy hand and brought it to my wet cheek.

“When would you ever realize, Lorienne, that I would never have the heart to kill you? I could have killed the world and still spare you…”

I stiffened when Aric suddenly spoke. Realizing what the asshole just said made my blood boil.

“Is this some twisted love confession?” Sarcasm dripped in my voice. “Because, Montgomery, you just killed your supposed father-in-law, and no amount of sugar-coated words will make me love you!”

He jumped away from the table and slowly approached me. The Golden Pen was still in his hand.

“No, this is my way of saying you will be the perfect means for my desired ends.”

“I’ll die first before letting you use me for whatever shit you’re up to!”

“Didn’t I tell you, I’ll never let you die?” 

The gentleness in his voice was so unnerving. He stood in front of me calmly. I gently tucked my father’s hands above his chest before giving Aric’s knees a hard kick. When he remained unaffected, I eagerly stood and gave him punches while screaming in agony. He just let me bruise him without even shielding himself or fighting. He became a statue as I rained him with my pathetic fists. 

When I finally became tired, I helplessly stepped back. I don’t have the energy to fight anymore. I was too drained. Before my body succumbed to unconsciousness, Aric held my wrist gently. Then he pulled me into his warm embrace. I felt his mouth resting on my hair. Another set of tears fell from my eyes.

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