Chapter 1

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LoisL turned out to be a bust after she turned out to be a really sore loser when she lost at chess but almost immediately after her, another option popped up. Robotnik couldn't help getting into it. He let Bartleby give him the address for the website so he could continue at his leisure.

The second woman wasn't a hit when she started sending weird photos of herself but this third woman, Aneela from Acorn Harbor, was promising. "How long have you lived in Acorn?" He asked via the chat engine as they played a round of chess.

"Oh, about twenty years or so. I used to live in Mobotropolis before it became Robotropolis. But after my husband died, I moved to get a fresh start... Good move, how did you manage to check me three ways." A laughing-face emoji appeared on the screen as he examined his move.

Robotnik laughed. She was the first not to get mad when he beat her several times. He didn't believe in letting someone win. "So I did. I'm sorry about your husband. I'm a widower myself. My wife... she died in childbirth."

"That's awful... I'm sorry... Did... how did... I'm sorry, I'm nervous. My friends actually got me into this. How did you..." Each phrase came rapid-fire as if she was afraid to ask the question.

Robotnik nodded and typed. "Sometimes I think I'm fine and I've healed but other times it feels like my head is going a hundred miles an hour. I know what you mean. My godson introduced me because he was worried about me." It was intriguing to talk to someone who knew what he was going through.

"So, um, what do you like to do in your spare time?" She asked him as they started a new game.

The man considered his answer and started typing. "Well, this is quickly becoming a new obsession but otherwise, I like to..." The man realized to his shock that other than robotics and mechanics, he had no other hobbies. He quickly deleted part of the statement so it read simply, "Well this is quickly becoming a new obsession. What about you?"

They talked until late in the night when the moon was starting to come up over the horizon and continued into the early morning hours when a knock came at his door. "Sire! The new devices for hunting down members of the resistance need your approval." The wolf's voice grated into his ears.

Robotnik looked at his clock and out the window and typed. "I can't believe it, we've been playing and talking all night." When Sleet called into the room again, he shouted aloud. "I'll be there in a minute, Sleet! Meet me there." He heard the bing to indicate she had responded.

"Wow, neither can I. I've got to get to work. I'm a waitress." She sent another laughing face. "Will you be on tonight do you think?"

Robotnik considered it. Both nights he'd tried this with two different women. But he didn't like either of those women. This woman was different. He wanted to get to know her better. He typed back. "I think I can arrange to be on tonight. And we can play a different game if you like..." He promised. "I usually end my workday at about seven. See you then?"

"Seven it is. I look forward to it." A smiley face appeared. It was the first time a woman had sort of smiled at him in years. He reread her profile as she went offline and he quickly hit the favorite and notification buttons.

He finally joined Sleet in the hangar. "We did as you said, sire. All based on your original design of the predator but on a smaller scale. Best of all, its systems are impenetrable, that hedgehog princess won't be hacking in again. We will capture many resistance members with this. And... do you see Dingo all the way out there on that roof over there." He pointed to one of the towers of the palace and hit a button, sending it out of the hangar. Robotnik had to hold onto the computer console for balance as the plane sped out and returned just thirty seconds later with the jackal. "It can easily outrun Sonic the Hedgehog."

Robotnik laughed. "Yes! This is just what we need! Capture that hedgehog and his siblings! Bring them to me and your reward will be without measure." He vowed. He would finally roboticize the hedgehogs and Robotropolis will be his without anyone to challenge him. And Aneela could be his queen. He was sure she would jump at that over remaining a mere waitress. If things continued on so well.

"Pardon me for asking sir, but are you well?" Sleet's voice cut into his fantasy.

Robotnik blinked and realized he had zoned out. "What do you mean, Sleet?" He demanded.

Sleet sweated as he considered whether or not to speak. Dingo, however, had no filter and replied. "Well, you kind of got a silly-looking grin on your face. And it looks like you didn't sleep last night."

Robotnik swallowed. "If you must know, I have found a friend to talk with online. Bartleby introduced me to a new website that he and a friend of his, devised. Naturally, he wanted me to try it out. To see if I wanted to endorse it, obviously."

"A friend? What's the website?" He asked. "And when you say, friend..." Sleet shook his head quickly. "You know what, nevermind. I don't want to know."

Robotnik growled. "Get your mind out of the gutter. Yes, it's a dating website but this woman is not a prospective lover but an intellectual equal with whom I can engage in the thrilling thrust and parry of verbal jousting. Her name is Aneela."

Sleet nodded. "Well, good luck with that sire." He considered it. If it could find someone for his bastard of a boss, then it should be able to find someone for him as well. "Can I ask how it works?"

"Well, you sign up for a monthly fee, although of course, Bartleby gave me my membership for free since it was the only way he was going to get me to try it out. You fill out a questionnaire and you're given a selection of people who are compatible with your profile." He explained. "We spent last night playing chess, that was it. The conversation was riveting."

"Do you know what she even looks like?" He asked logically. He didn't want to ask questions but his mouth would not stop.

The scientist shook his head. "It's all anonymous at the start. We're just getting to know each other. I don't know what she looks like and Aneela is just a nickname. And no, she doesn't know who I am either." He looked at the plane and thought about the question she had asked him. This was literally all his spare time consisted of. Fighting the resistance, day and night. Hunting the hedgehogs. "Sleet, keep working on this. I must go to the library." He left. Hopefully, his library would have ideas for new hobbies. His conversation with Aneela made it painfully obvious. He needed to get a life.

Sonia was intrigued when Bartleby sent her the website. She supposed he had devised it as a way to manage his loneliness. He never stopped trying to get her back and he refused to find anyone else, no matter how much she insisted he needed to in their emails back and forth. She loved him so much but it just wasn't possible. Maybe she needed to find someone else first, then he would know she was serious. She filled out the questionnaire and she wasn't surprised when he was one of the people the site found her compatible with. She recognized his BMontclair easily. She wanted terribly to send him a message but managed to resist the temptation. She looked through the other profiles until an envelope flashed on her screen.

"Hmmm, hello Blondie..." She typed back at the messenger. "It's nice to meet you."

"It is a pleasure to meet you too, PinkDiamond. Would you like to play a friendly game of Canasta?"

Sonia smiled. "I love Canasta!" She clicked the yes button when the request popped up.

"So do I. My caregiver taught me how to play when I was growing up." The message screen expanded to create a playing field as each player was dealt out fifteen cards.

Sonia took her turn, happily claiming a red three from the top of the deck and seeing it immediately meld for her points. "Awww, that's sweet. My adopted mother taught me how to play and I used to play with my ex all the time."

"Oh, your ex? I hope things ended amicably..." The text said as Blondie made his play, melding three four's and a joker.

"Yeah, amicably enough... though I miss him a lot... You know, I'm sorry. I don't think I can do this..." Sonia said as she thought about Bartleby. "I'm just not ready to date again. Not yet. But maybe we can just play as friends."

"I can understand that. Don't worry, I won't expect anything more than friendship..." He replied. "I promise..."

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