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Chapter 1 August 20th

10.30 p.m
"You've reached the emergency service what service do you require?"

'Hello, brother is dead', shivered Tessa's voice over the phone.

"Ma'am I'd like you to state your address and name please"

'Tessa Winterbury and my brother is Tony Winterbury and the address is..............'

She stated the address and the police and an ambulance arrived within very few minutes.
She was helpless and shivering from head to toe, their mother was dead she killed herself when Tessa was only four, and their father had gone on a business trip to Australia.
Tessa was confused who to call, she scrolled through her contacts to try and figure out. Her friends? Cousins? She kept scrolling until she found the funny emoji saved with a number, a person who she knew and cared for. A person who once loved her brother.

'Pick up pick up', but it kept going to voicemail.
She kept trying again and again but the person she was trying to reach was either busy or sleeping.
She didn't know where to go or what to do, she was devastated.

Tessa just sat there out on the stairs in front of the house until the next morning, near the dawn, her phone rang, but her battery was almost dying.

She was mentally and physically weak to even get up but somehow heaved herself up went inside and put her phone on charge and washed up before she came down to call the person again.

'Hey Tess I'm so sorry I didn't answer yesterday'
'Oh it's ok it's fine'
'Where are you?'
'At home'
'Is something wrong? You sound off'
'Tony.........', she couldn't collect her words to finish the sentence.
'What's wrong honey.....what...did he do something again?'
'No...Tony.....Tony was stabbed to death', and she let out a loud wail.

The person on the other end froze when Tessa finished her sentence.

The game was about to begin, every step that person and everyone involved will take in the future must be cautious. Every single person including Tessa is in this mess. It's KEELE

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