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Chapter 12 August 20th

7.58 p.m
', did I he...?', Thalia was shivering from head to toe. She ran over and tried to check if Tony was dead.
'Thalia...what the hell are you doing.....don't go there, you'd get your prints all over and you feet will be in his blood...stop...', someone had to think straight now, as they were in big trouble.
'Hazel...Hazel...I killed him...I'm a murderer...'
''s not..stop freaking was an act of defence.. stop worrying. Now let's take the knife from your hand and put it in the bag.' Hazel took the knife from Thalia's hand and put it in the bag they brought.
Meanwhile..Thalia kept mumbling...'I stabbed him...I stabbed him...I'm a killer...I stabbed him not once but thrice', Hazel was scared because even though if they had a chance to cover up, Thalia's mumbling might get them caught.
'Thalia...look here look at me.....', Hazel took Thalia's hands and held them assuringly......'it's gonna be alright...we can take care of it don't worry...all we have to do is..turn the story to our come let's go....', Hazel somehow managed to stop Thalia from shuddering until she got her downstairs and into the car.

8.15 p.m
Hazel rang Louis doorbell, but she didn't expect Harry would open it.
'Heeyyyy......Harry didn't expect to see you here'
'Don't worry it's not just me everyone's here. Zayn too' ,he smirked.
'Nice escape, good luck escaping Thalia she's still mad', she whispered in his ears.
'I don't think she is, look', that's when even Hazel got to know about it. A few seconds after them Liam also was there, and Hazel didn't believe what she saw at first.
'When did that happen?'
'It's been about two months...she didn't tell you?'
'Umm..........', Hazel was a bit upset, they were literally partners in crime but Thalia decided to hide the fact that she's over her hot ex-fiancé.
'You don't have to answer that, there's another question too......does she know about you and know', he gestured inside the house,
'Of course she knows I tell her everything'  it did hurt Hazel a little but Thalia had a perfect reason that made Hazel more upset that she couldn't talk to Hazel openly.

Finally everyone was here, but Hazel had some unfinished business with Thalia, 'I am your best friend right?'
'And we did something tonight......yeah?'
'Yes........what's,,,going on?'
'Then why didn't you tell me about you and Liam? Your ex had to tell me that'
'I..I'm sorry Hazel you already had so much on your mind and I just didn't want to bring in my new love story into this'
'Hey..hey please don't apologise it's care about me that's huge hon. I am sorry for not noticing anything'
'It's not you, me and Liam kept it a secret but he probably told Louis'

9.08 p.m
Dinner was done and they all sat down for some hot drinks, but Louis and Zayn hurried that they had to go.
'Okay, Hazel Thalia get home soon, don't roam around'
'Why are you being all weird?', Hazel was a little surprised with Louis' sudden remark.
'We have to keep our ladies safe', Zayn gave a mocking smile.
'Ladies....? Your ladies?', Hazel got a little more closer to Zayn.
'Yes...if you're ready'
'I just dropped off some of Tony's stuff, I might need some more time'
'Wait....did you say you went over to Tony's?' Louis interrupted.
'Yeah kinda why?', Hazel's voice shook.
'Nothing just asking, was he alone?'
'No, Tessa was there.....why are you asking about Tony?'
'It's for nothing', Zayn stopped from the conversation going on further, and took some grapes from a bowl while figuring out what to say next, 'and Hazel let me just tell's all going to be alright and I'll always be there for you'
'Yeah...Zayn...I kinda know that', Hazel snatched one if the grapes from us hand he was about to put in his mouth, with a smirk.

'Yo...Zayn we kinda have some important things to if you would just come with me now.....' Louis acted like he doesn't care about it. But since like forever he has been playing both sides to get them together. He understood that Zayn would be the only person that's perfect for Hazel and Hazel deserved someone like Zayn.

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