10. Parents

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Losing something, or someone, is one of the most frustrating and sad things that can happen to someone. Sometimes the loss is so big that you can never go back to normal; many people lose their minds from the desperation, others decide to end their life ... and others ask for help but cannot heal. Sometimes out of sadness we do so many stupid things, hoping that they can make us feel better, but we know that it is not going to help. We know that nothing can make us feel better because a broken heart cannot be fixed with a simple plaster.


Peter was holding Peter from the future while I was trying to hack my dad's system trying to enter in his lab. There was only a button to press but I hesitatet first. Peter give me a reassuring look and nodded to me before I pressed the button.

In the moment we entered Peter called: "Mr Stark!!!"

At first he didn't look away from his project and said: "Hey kid, you should be in school right now. Why aren't you there? And most important, how did you get here?"

Peter replied with a scream: "Mr. Stark, this is an emergency!"

Then dad looked up from his project and saw with confusion three awkward people in his lab. In the moment he saw Peter from the future injured he hurried towards us asking Jarvis to tell his vitals and to check him.

Meanwhile I was there, standing as I felt quiet tear go down my face. Dad didn't notice me. All his attention was making sure Peter from the future was healthy and in life. He didn't even notice the fact that there were two Peters. All his eyes and ears were for Peter from the future.


After a while, Peter from the future was lying in a bed with various machines attached to some part of his body who had the funcions to measure blood presure and his heartbeat. Dad was seeing him from the large window of the room with a worried face hoping that he would get better. Me and Peter decided to explain to my dad but we shuldn't in any absolute way tell him about his future.

I had puffy red eyes for crying too much. Finally, after so many time, I saw him again. I had these little memories and flashbacks about him swinging in my head all time. I wasn't sure if these tears were from happiness or from the pain I found remembering that he was dead. I had no idea.

Me and Peter walked towards him.

"Mr Stark, we need to explain something. It would be better if you sat down because it's a long story."

Without saying anything he nooded and sat on the couch. This was the moment he finally noticed me.

Peter started the conversation.

"We come from the future. We can't tell you much about it because it would change the future and we are not sure that it would get better or worse."

Dad just continued listening without saying a word. Peter continued with a serious tone
"We need your help..."

There was a minute of silence. I felt one warm tear comming down my check, I hadn't seen it live for so many years and he didn't even worry about my presence here. I was trying so hard not to cry to the fact that he didn't know I was his daughter from the future and I haven't seen him in so many time. I was expecting him to realize that I was his only daughter who came here to save him, but it was not his fault anyway.

Then he asked in a cold tone: "Who is she?"

In that moment I cried even more. I looked down non looking my dad in the eyes. Then I looked at Peter. Peter looked at me with a look that told me that he couldn't give him that information. It had to be me.

I swiped my tears away and started to say something.

"I, I am y/n. Y/n Stark."

He freezed. It was nothing that he could say. No words came off his mouth for 3 minutes straight. We just sat there waching each other silently in the eyes. Peter stood up from the couch.

"I, I think you may need some time alone. I am going to check Peter from the future if there are any new news."

And then he left.

"Y/n, why are you crying?" - He asked me.

"I am just happy to see you again." - I responded but then I realized that I gave him too much information saying the word 'again'.

"I haven't seen you in a while and I missed you." - I said trying to correct my mistake.

Then all of a sudden he got up and hugged me.

I was not expecting that to happen. This made me cry even more. I hugged back and wished this momend would last forever. I felt that he was crying too.

Than the elevator door open showing Pepper on the other side.

"Hey, I am back. -She said as she walked over is with a smile as we broke the hug.

"Who is she... -She asked in a calm tone and a confused face- "...and why are you two crying?"

Then Peter entered in the living room too.

"Hey Pepper, glad to see you."

"Oh hey Peter ,you are here too. Would you be so gentle to explain me why are thoose two crying?"

Peter just let out a sigh and then smiled.

"She is y/n Stark. Your daughter from the future."

Pepper smiled nervously and refused to belive that I was actually her daughter and I had come from the future, but after a long talk in wich Peter explained almost everything, she understood.

In all this time I was sitting next to dad cuddling with him. My tears finally stopped and I felt my eyes getting havier and havier. It have been a rough week without any good quality sleep and it was pleasing and lovely to sleep in my dad's arms knowing that I was safe.

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