Oneshot 1: A liar has returned

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A/N this is maybe going to be a 2 part story!
Ships and Salts: Daminette Adrien salt Alya salt Lila salt Class salt Chloe redemption Kagami redemption Luka redemption Nino redemption Juleka &Alix redemption Nathaniel redemption!

Summary: Everyone left Marinette when Lila came back from her all around the world lies she starts ruining Marinette's life. Everyone Marinette thought were her real friends turned against her but a few people Chloe Nino Kagami Luka Alix Kim Juleka and Nathaniel.

Marinette POV

It has been a year since everyone turned against me the only good thing that happened is that Lila showed me my true friends. We were having a sleepover at Chloe's place where i now live after my parents kicked me out. The mayor adopted me after and me and Chloe became adopted sisters! Kagami's grandmother died and she was her only left family so she also got adopted by the mayor. Juleka's mom who was actually Penny then got her and Luka to live with her and Jagged but since he goes on tours alot he pit them with the mayor when he cant take care of them. Kim Alix and Nath's parents didnt believe Lie-la so they stayed with their parents. After Lie-la turned everyone against me i made my true friends miraculous holders Juleka has the tiger Nath the fox Nino the turtle Chloe the bee Alix the bunny Kim the monkey and Luka the snake i also took Chat noir's miraculous because he only comes to patrols telling me that we would make a good couple which isn't true. We were all talking well teasing Chloe and Nino about their crush on eachother we all know those to have a thing going on.

Chloe: for the millionth time we are not dating!

Kagami: Come on bee we all know that's fake we see the looks you give each other!
*Chloe and Nino blush*
Nino: What about you and Luka's relationship?

Luka: We told you guys we are dating you guys are hiding it!!

They then blush

Me/Mari: Ohhhhhhhh you 2 saying the same thing the same time?

Chloe&Nino: SHUT IT

Alix: SHIP

Chloe: you and Kim are together so stop ittt

Juleka: They told us please admit it



Nath: My turtle is finally grown up *fake proud tears*

Kim: Yes Finally a grown up *fake tears*

Alix: Bahahahahhaha finally anyways aren't we supposed to sleep we do have to wake early tmrw

Me/Mari: Yes and to avoid the bullying from those idiots who happen to be our classmates

All of them slept.

Adrien Agreste POV:
Ugh i cant believe that Ladybug took my miraculous! After she took it i then told everyone in my class and everyone was mad. Alya then said she was Rena Rouge and she was replaced by Fire Fox too, Lila then told us that she would try to get us the miraculous back she is just so kind (Idiot).

No one POV:
The MPS entered with Marinette and this time the couples were hand in hand, Nino and Chloe, Kagami and Luka, Juleka and Nath, Alix and Kim. When the class saw Nino with Chloe they wrre angry well Alya was and what does that do other than attract and akuma.

"Revenger I am Hawkmoth your boyfriend broke up with you because of a new girl well i am giving you the power to get revenge!" Hawkmoth said in Alya's mind.

Teh principal then came over the loud speaker telling everyone to go hide in a safe place. The MPS went to a classroom that was closed for a year or mabye more since the school lost a lot of students the past year. They called their transformation words.

Tikki Spots on!!
Pollen buzz on!!
Wayzz Shell on!
Fluff clockwise!
Roarr strips on!!
Trixx lets poince!!........

All the miraculous team went to the fight and well won it like always

Alya: Ladybug ladybug! I gotta talk to you!!
"Fine but fast i am about to detransform" Ladybug said clearly annoyed

Alya starts live streaming on the ladyblog which was now full of Lila's lies so it got less views.

Alya: Hello Viewers today I am here with our superhero Ladybug *she says looking at the camera* *looks at lb* Ladybug I see you have a full superhero team why is that?

Ladybug: Private business Alya a small hint is because these people are the only people I trust! And because it is easier to defeat hawkmoth

Alya: Ok but why did you take Chat noir's miraculous and why did you replace Rena Rouge with that Fire Fox person!! *says the last part a bit angry*

Ladybug: Chat noir would only come to patrol to flirt with me even if i told him i wasn't comfortable and Rena Rouge is hurting a dear friend of mine that she is no longer clarified for a miraculous!

Alya: But Ladybug who is your friend?

Ladybug: Private Information

Alya: Well okay then *looks to camera* Okay viewers we got a few answers lets hope Chat noir would get his miraculous and Rena Rouge would return!! *stops live streaming*

A/N hello everyone sorry that the first part is late I was busy the past few days. If anyone knows someone who makes miraculous covers please be sure to send me his/her @ in the comments next part will be out soon!!

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