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Louis Tomlinson


It had been three days later and Edward did not wake up. I had slowly begun to lose hope. He looked so peaceful.

I had changed his bandages when they were bloody or just so they did not get infected. I was reading the book when I got the urge to pray and cry.

So I left the cabin to ask someone if they had candles. I almost always had a candle with me when I prayed.


"Oh, 'elo, mate. What are ya doing' ere in the middle of the night? Can I get ya something?"

"I was wondering if you have any candles?"

He laughed. "Of course we have, ya need one?"


"I'll bring it to ya."

A few minutes later, Niall came back with a white candle. "Thank you."

"Just be careful ya don't start a fire."

"I will not start a fire, I promise. Not on purpose and not accidentally."

I left for the cabin, taking the matches from the table and sitting down on the floor — turned towards the window so I could see the sea, sky, stars, the moon and everything, even some birds.

I lighted the match, lighting the candle with it and shaking the match to turn it off. I started saying the names of the gods I pray to when I heard a voice behind me.

"You're of a different religion. You pray to other gods." Harry was standing at the door, looking at me confused.

"Does that bother you, Hazza?" I asked nervously.

I had been Christian when I was little, following my family's religion, but when I was around thirteen, I figured out I was not happy with my religion. (I believe every religion is somewhat true, I'm not trying to bad talk religions)

The moment I began to question everything was when I had run off to the city without my nanny, sneaked out to be precise, and I got lost. I wanted to see the Fire festival. Bone fires were made on the city squares, people were decorating their homes. There was music echoing through the air, some were dancing.

I did not know my way back but there was a middle-aged woman who helped me. She was with a group of people who were sitting around a bonfire in a secluded place, where the music was faded and there was no dancers, no smells of food.

She was so nice and told me the Fire festival as we called it, was Beltane, a pagan's celebration that the kings took as theirs and made it a spectacle, and then begin to hunt those who celebrated Beltane in the more traditional way, those who first begin to celebrate. And they pronounced them witches and traitors of religion.

I did not have anything against any religion, I just like paganism more.

I liked to read about their culture, how they were connected to nature and mutually existed with it. How there was god and goddesses, creatures and monsters. There was more... Equality between genders as in the sense we know today.

She had shown me the way to the castle and I returned safely. I never saw her again or heard about her.

"No. I don't mind."

"Then... Do you want to pray with me?"

"I was never religious."

"But you are a sailor. Pirate. You spend most of your life on the sea and oceans. Are you not scared and pray for safety and your life?"

"No." He looked fondly towards Edward, helplessly lying on the bed. "But it never hurts to pray for your loved ones."

He came to me, kneeling down, his bum touching his heels. He sighed and gestured me to tell him what to do. I smiled at him, happy I had someone who was willing to accept me as I was.

"Connect your hands. I suggest closing your eyes for better focus, focus on the one sound that stands out from others to calm down."

"Like when you meditate?"

"Sure. Then you can say something personal or, since this is your first time praying, you can introduce yourself." He scoffed but closed his eyes, connecting his hands and holding them on his lap. "Say for what you are grateful and thank them. State what you pray for. You can talk in your mind, they hear." I stopped for a moment, watching his face as he relaxed, the light from the candle shining on his face. "Do you have that focus sound?"

"Yes. It's your heartbeat," He whispers.

I bit my lip, not stopping the small smile from showing, and turned in direction of the candle and window.

I prayed my mother and sisters were alive and they did not hurt them. That Edward would wake up and heal. I pleaded them to protect the kingdom's people, subjects, good and honoured people all over the world. I begged them Matthew and Troy would not succeed in their plans.

I could have sworn some light began shining over us because of the brightness that I could see over my eyelids. I could have sworn a calmness washed over me and I heard a voice, that was neither male nor female, said it would be all right.


Everything was white. I could not see clear at first but then the colours started to appear; shades I did not know existed, shapes that danced through the space and seemed endless, the magical glow that I had not seen anywhere.

"Welcome, child." I looked around me but did not see anyone. "That's because we are everywhere at once."

"Who are you?"

"You know but won't admit it. We bought you here to tell you we will help you, but you have to be the one to make the first step."

"What do you mean?"

"Go to the place where the stars meet with water. There's a gift for you there."

All started to fade. "No, wait! Please—"

"You are not alone. Do not forget that."

I woke up disoriented and in need of oxygen. I was in the bed next to Edward while Harry slept in the chair. The prayer did him good, like something was lifted out of his chest and he could rest peacefully for once.

Go to the place where the stars meet with water.

I would if I know where it is, I thought to myself. I will figure it out. I have to.

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