chapter six

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-Day four- Part two-

(18 June 2014)

Later that night;

I was pacing around the room, because Aissa haven't returned home since he left with Camila. Is it possible that he is having dinner with her while I'm here sick worried about him. But he couldn't, I mean after what she has done with him...he can't just go back with her.

Suddenly, a drunken Aissa walked tore into the room with a bottle of whiskey in his hand and a cigarette between his fingers. I shook my head and headed towards him, my thumbs brushed his cheek.

He looked like he was about to cry and it made me feel terrible "I'm tired" he said and a tear slipped from his cheek as I brushed it. I stood on my toes to reach his height and started running my fingers through his hair.

I looked straight into his eyes, as if I were saying 'I won't tell anyone' and he buried his face in my chest as he started crying. I wanted to reassure him but I had nothing to say. I felt terrible for it.

He bushed me slowly on the bed and laid down as he cried on my lap. I felt bad for him, did he really loved her that much? Or is it something else?

"Thank you" he whispered and I ran my fingers through his hair.

"No, thank you." I looked into his eyes as he looked confused "Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone."

He sat up, looked at me for a little while and smiled "I want to tell you." He announced and I squeezed his hand.

"It's my parents basically, they made me feel suicidal." He seemed still not sure about telling me this "I have a twin sister...she a model; did Paris, London and Milan fashion weeks. Of course my parents always preferred her. They never missed a show she did but mean while they never appeared at a game I played." He said rubbing his eyes.

"They didn't even come here?" I asked him.

"They didn't even call Danielle...I called over and over again but then didn't respond. I left messages, no replies. What am I thinking anyway? It's the world cup, it's nothing." He laughed at the last words and I looked at him with teary eyes.

"It's not nothing, Aissa. It's everything; a chance like this is a life time opportunity." I spoke up as he gave me a weak smile.

"Well, apparently it's not that important to my parents. I'm alone, Dani...I'm all alone in a big city. No matter where I go I'm always alone; whether it's here or in Reims or in Algeria. It's always the same, I'm alone." He said and I almost cried in front of him but I held back my tears.

"Well, here I am alone too. We can be alone together." I smiled at him and he pushed my hair from my face and kissed my forehead and the whispered in my ear.

"You're the most amazing person I've ever met." I smiled back at his words. He then shifted from his place and looked me straight in the eyes as if he was reading my soul "So what's your deal?" he asked as I gulped.

"I can't tell you..." I whispered he looked disappointed "I can't put you in such danger...if I tell even the smallest fact about my family you'll get into a hurricane you can never escape." I said running my fingers through my hair.

"Is it really that bad?" he questioned and I nod.

"You have no idea, Aissa." I answered "I hope I get to tell you someday, because really I'm fed up with carrying secrets I can't handle."

"I'll be next to you whenever you want me to." He replied squeezing my hand as I smiled at him.

We kept starring at each other for a while; I was mesmerized by his eyes, that dark brown that shined like galaxies. That glow that light up like a small candle in a dark room.

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