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I was only sixteen when I discovered that my dad was Tunisia’s most feared mafia boss.  My first vivid memory of my father is not the stuff of cozy familial nostalgia. All my childhood, I knew that my dad works in a very dangerous job but I had no idea what it was. Even though, growing up he convinced me that he had an electronics company, and he did but it was a fake one to cover up for his mafia work.

I believed everything he told me but some doubts ran into me while growing up around body guards with guns stuck to their torso. ‘What kind of job would require such strong built men?’.

I wasn’t an only child growing up; I had my twin Ahmed and my older brother Adnan. He was four years old than us. And they both joined my father eventually. 

I had a pretty good life until I turned sixteen, I was messed up ever since and I don’t think anyone can fix the damage my father and both my brothers have caused.

From drug-trafficking to racketeering, intimidation and murder, my family ran the organized crime, which in turn ran the whole country.

My mum was clueless…or I think she chose to be like that. She never cared what her husband or her sons did as long as they didn’t go to jail for it. And even if they do – even though that’s impossible because they have tons of people covering up from them – she can do nothing about it.

I couldn’t stand and watch, I had to run away. I decided for myself not to be a careless tourist there. I ran way to the other part of the world…and I’m still running but apparently my dad runs faster than me.

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