The Battle

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"Master, Master! I successfully lead my clone squadron on our first espionage mission in order to find a way to take out this Separatist Legion."

A Jedi Knight named Zandor Seacro has been working with his master on trying to take out the most powerful Separatist Legion in the Outer Rim territory. Count Dooku has been killed recently by one of Zandors closest friends from training in the Jedi Temple, Anakin Skywalker. The Acquisitor known as the second brother is leading this Legion and he has some of the strongest battle droids with him.

"Seacro, you have to remember that this Acquisitor is one of the most powerful in the Galaxy. We must wait for General Skywalker and the 501st to arrive."

"But Master Luminaro if we simply start with the shock charges we can easily take out the droids. While we have some of the 375th using those charges we can take my trusted Squad fly into enemy lines and take out The Second Brother." Zandor was confident that with this little plan they could take them out.

"We will see if it works Zandor, and if it does I think the Council will make you a master" Master Luminaro said.

Zandor went off to his quarters so he could get his new stealth outfit ready. His new outfit consisted of a Gray Tunic, a black robe and a white belt. He just finished construction of his new Lightsaber. It has a new black blade it's very fragile most Jedi not even master Yoda could use this saber that he made.

"If this mission works, We will grant Zandor the rank of master" Master Windu said.

As Anakin heard those words it hurt him. Zandor was a solid two years younger than Anakin but he was about to become a master while Anakin who's on the council but hasn't been granted rank of master is just being teased by the council.

The Next morning the 375th had started there assault on the Separatist Compound. Zandor Seacros closest clone friend CT-2558 aka Jammer was leading them on the assault. During the first phase Master and Apprentice along with 5 of the most trusted Clones went in abd started to head for The Second Brothers room. Zandor and one clone went off as a so called distraction. As they were distracting him, Master Luminario and the four other clones went in and had been ready to kill The Second Brother. Before they could Zandor Force Stunned The Second Brother and took him prisoner. On the way back to the ship, Jammer was requested to meet with the Chancellor.

Zandor was listening in and it was very dark and mysterious but Zandor wasn't scared. But at the end all he could hear was the Chancellor say three things. What he heard The Chancellor say was "Execute Order 66" and once he heard that he knew something was about to go Dark. He knew that The End of The Republic was here....

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