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𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲; 𝐎𝐜𝐭. 𝟏𝟖

Jordan retro 1's University Blue sneakers were on her feet. The light blue and white sneakers went well with the light blue sweatsuit she wore on this chilly, October day. She sat on the park bench, staring out into space, her hair blowing in the wind. She heard little kid laughter causing her to turn around. She seen a little girl, giggling and running over.

She wasn't able to make out the person behind the girl until they stepped into view. Jahseh and her made eye contact with each other. She got up off the bench and started walking, Jahseh running after her.

"Blu!" He called out, grabbing her arm. She stopped walking turning to face him.

"Jahseh, I have to go home." She lied trying to snatch her arm away. She actually didn't want to talk to him because she knew the conversation would be about the video.

She was over the whole thing and wanted to forget about it. The damage was done and there was no way to go back and change her ways. It is what it is.

"Blu, relax please." He begged her, holding onto her arm. Not too tight, but tight enough that she couldn't snatch her arm away. He look back to see if Tootie was alright before looking back at her.


"I know you don't wanna talk to me, but we need to." He cut her off.

"Everything is fine, so we really don't need to talk." She told him, still trying to snatch her arm away but gave up. He was stronger than her, so there was no point.

"We do need to talk, Blu. I can't walk away cause I'm with my sister, so just walk to my house with me." He told her, Blu quickly shook her head.

"I'm not going to anyone's house." She said, finally able to snatch her arm away. Before she could walk away, Jahseh stepped in front of her.

"Nothing is going to happen, I promise." He told her, already knowing she was having doubts. All he wanted to do was apologize for not helping, nothing more and nothing less. He could tell she was scared, but he wasn't going to do anything.

He moved closer to her, staring directly in her eyes. "I promise I won't do anything." He told her, meaning it. Blu stare back at him then nodded her head.

"Sure." She finally spoke. She wouldn't say she didn't trust him because she did, she was just being hesitant. She was making sure it didn't happen for a second time or ever again at that.

"Okay, Tootie come on!" He shouted, Blu look back seeing the pretty little girl running over. She watched as Jahseh pick her up then kiss her cheek.

"Tootie this is Blu. Blu this is my little sister, Miracle, but I call her Tootie since her skin color is like the color of those tootsie roll candies." Jahseh said, Blu chuckled a little.

"Seriously?" She asked and Jahseh nodded his head.

"I was a kid when I gave her the nickname." He mentioned, kissing Tootie cheek again and she smile.

"Tootie, you okay with Blu walking with us?" He asked her. Tootie look at Blu then nodded her head, Blu gave her a smile.

"Come on."

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