Chapter 1

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"Mom I'm gonna go to the lake now," Chet yelled down the stairs. "Make sure to pack a towel!" his mom yelled back. Chet loved going to lake Valor. He liked watching the starly over the lake and the Magikarp in the water. Every once in a while he'd see a Gyarados circling a spot in the center of the lake. He always wondered about that. One time when he looked in the water he saw a strange monument in the water. Before he could get a closer look the gyarados roared at him, that was enough to get him back out of the water. This time was going to be different. He was gonna stand up to the big Pokemon. He knew that if you stand up to a gyarados and act bigger than it, it will stand down.

When he got there it was different. There was an enormous monument of stone in the center. Chet was nervous, but before he could investigate he heard a pained moaning. He looked over at the bank. The gyarados was laying sideways in the mud. Chet raced over the mud to the wounded gyarados. It looked at him and tried to roar but instead curled up in pain. There was a large bruise on the side of it's head. Chet noticed the gyarados couldn't move. Chet pulled out a hyper potion that he got for his birthday to use on his first Pokemon. He sprayed the gyarados with the potion. The gyarados slowly got up then roared into the sky. The gyarados looked down upon Chet. It stared him right in the eyes. It then bowed it's head for him to get on. "Are you trying to take me somewhere?" Chet questioned. Chet climbed on to the gyarados. The gyarados then jumped into the water keeping Chet above.

The gyarados stopped in the center and dropped Chet off on a ledge of rock leading to the monument. Chet walked closer and saw a door leading into the monument. Chet was nervous. He turned to leave, but the gyarados was gone. He then walked into the mysterious Valor cavern.

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