Chapter 3- escape

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"The legend says that champion Brian drove you and your goons off with his empoleon!" Chet said alarmed. "He drove Cyrus off and left Mars the entire headquarters, but I didn't think it was over so I started my own team," Jupiter said angrily. "I decided to go and recapture the lake Pokemon then summon both of the mighty creators Dialga, and Palkia. but instead of making some useless world I'll make the present world bow to me or be punished." "Leave the Pokemon alone you bullies!" "Take the Pokemon and get rid of that boy," Jupiter said grabbing a robe attached to an ascending helicopter. Three remaining grunts all sent out Pokemon. One with a Gengar, one with a Sableye, and one with a Glalie. Chet remembered these Pokemon from school, but the Sableye and Glalie don't come from this region and are powerful to many types.

Chet remembered something from an article he read in poke world magazine. It said that most legendaries fight all Pokemon to display their power. Chet looked back and saw Azelf preparing to fight. The grunts saw this instantly and pressed some weird blue crystals on their wrists. Before Chet could realize they were keystones, the grunts' Pokemon burst out of energy balls and roared their signature call. "Fusion darkness," one of the grunts said casually. The three mega Pokemon powered up shadow balls. Azelf powered up a protect. Chet knew it wouldn't be enough. He did the one thing he would never have done without the willpower to save Azelf. He ran towards the Glalie and jumped on top of it. The Glalie was confused by the act of bravery and thrashed about trying to fling Chet off. "I can't let you take Azelf!" Chet yelled.

Chet turned the Glalie and pulled up it's main horn making it fire it's shadow ball straight at the mega Sableye. The attack hit the Sableye's ruby mirror and magnefied. The attack then shot out of the mirror, more powerful than ever. The attack hit Mega Gengar head-on causing it to lose mega power and faint. Just like dominos the shadow ball of Gengar hit the Sableye still picking up his mirror blasting him into Glalie. By the time the dust cleared the three Pokemon had fainted. "Retreat!" One of the grunts yelled. The three grunt equipped jet packs and flew away. Azelf just floated in one place and stared. Chet realized what just happened, then blacked out.

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