The Virus

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I managed to get up after a while. I felt like I was getting the flu, but I also remembered Sandra's warning that I would be taken away and experimented on if the zoo thought I was too sick to be an attraction. I struggled out of bed, and took a warm shower and put some clothes on. I couldn't eat anything, so Sandra told me to make sure that I had something to drink. Then it was time to go and do what we have done every day... being a zoo attraction.

Zenko came by later and was worried and said that I looked very pale. I smiled at him and told him that I was just tired as I slept very badly. I would be fine again after I took a nap. I tried to change the subject by telling him about what it was like to be a child on earth. I told him about my parent's expectations and the constant stress I was on to please them and make them proud of me. This bought tears to Zenkos eyes, and he hugged me while saying if they saw me the way he has seen me, they would have unconditional love for me and be so proud of me!

After Zenko went, I rested under a tree. I could not do a lot or be active for the zoo visitors. I had to get rid of the bug that I had. I also had to think. When I came to galaxy zoo, I wanted so much to escape. I did not want to be owned or forced to be a zoo animal. I did not want to be controlled. Now things were so different. I was happy and Sandra showed me as much love as my real mom ever did. I still had to prove myself to zookeepers, but overall I was happy here and considered Sandra and Zenko as a family. The Galaxy Zoo had changed me. It made me realize that happiness is important and bitterness rots away a persons spirit. I had no wish to escape and go back to my old life. I was finally happy.

Zenko came unexpectedly back again and said he was worried about me. He asked if I felt ill as I was resting so much and I looked so pale. He was right that I was not feeling so well. However, Sandra's warning that the zoo did not keep sick species was in my mind. I had no wish to be experimented on. I smiled and told Zenko that I was feeling well. I know this was a lie, but I also wanted to protect myself and not be subject to mad scientists and evil doctors. I lied to survive.

My health did not get better. A few days later, my whole body was sweating and I had pains all over. It was like a train hit me! I could hardly move. Sandra was very worried and told me she didn't want anyone to see me. They would take me away from her. I had the same thoughts and begged her not to let them take me. We both cried for some time and wondered what we could do.

At last, I begged Sandra to take me to this area by a rock cliff. This was an area where Zeko hardly ever came. Sandra was unsure about this, but she could not listen to my constant pleading and begging. We both ended up struggling across the enclosure to a place that gave a lot of privacy. I rested on the ground and was so tired and in great pain, but I was smiling. I felt as if I was safe now.

Sandra would visit me when she could. She would try to get me to eat something and at least drink something. I could hardly swallow anything. After a few time that Sandra visited me, I could not swallow at all. This was making Sandra very worried. She would sit down next to me and start crying. She told me that I was fading away. She had no clue on how she could help me or not. I did not have the energy to respond or to talk with her. I did know that deep down, I was afraid that the zoo would find me and think that they no longer need me anymore. What would happen to me?

Sandra told me that Zenko was becoming a problem. He kept on asking where I was and the zoo visitors were complaining that they could not see me. He knew I did not escape but was very worried about me. Sandra had convinced him that I needed privacy. This worked at the start, but Zenko was becoming more impatient. He told Sandra that I could not hide. Some people visited the zoo just to see me. The heads of the zoo were becoming very impatient.

At the same time, Sandra told me that my health was very bad, and she could see life leaving my body every time she came. She knew that it could mean dire consequences, but she simply did not want me to die. I had no strength to speak. I just held her hand and squeezed it as to beg not to let them take me away. Sandra must have known what I wanted, as she slumped next to me in tears and said that she did not know what to do.

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