Back in Hell

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When I opened my eyes again, I was no longer on a spaceship. I was in my old bedroom on Earth. I did not have the energy to figure out how I felt. I was just so tired and wanted to close my eyes again. I did not get permission to do this. Mom came into the room and was surprised to see me on the bed. She did not hug me and start crying and telling me how worried she was and how much she loved me. She started asking where I was and how could I ever show such disrespect by running away. I tried to whimper and tell her I was so sick and could be dying. Mom just told me to stop being a drama queen and walked out.

This was not what I expected. I thought of Zenko and Sandra. They were somewhere deep in space and I am sure that they missed me. It is a strange feeling that every time that I looked up at the stars, I would know that I had two friends there. How many could say that? Despite that, I could not think straight, but I knew that I already missed them.

Mom and Dad could finally see that I was seriously ill. They took me to the emergency at the hospital where the doctors admitted me and told my parents that I was seriously ill. I could see that my parents did not like this as it most likely interfered with their schedule. This didn't bother me as I spent most of the time in the hospital room asleep. When I was awake, I could hear the doctors talk about that it was a virus that they have never seen and they did not know what to do. This made me think that death was a possibility.

The good thing was that I did not die. I slowly started getting better. The doctors could not explain why I was getting better. I liked to think it was Earth air and my strong will to survive. I remembered that Zenko and Sandra would tell me to fight and not give up. They would be so proud of me. It also made me smile a lot more as being sick can be depressing and it makes you worry. It's also hard as you can't do anything but sleep and wait. At least now I was able to sit up in the bed.

My parents wanted to take me home. However, the doctors warned that I should be observed as the virus I had was an unknown one. They did not know how it would affect me and if it could come back. This did not suit my parents. My sickness disrupted their busy schedules and their career and to be honest, they did not understand or know what to do because I needed extra attention.

Besides all this, they thought that I have run away and came to the conclusion that I have done the most immoral things just to survive. I could not help thinking of how much I missed the zoo and Zenka and Sandra. Still, I could count my blessings as I defeated the virus and once again was healthy. I do believe that I was close to death and was lucky that I could be alive.

My mom and Dad kept on pressuring me on why I ran away. I told them everything. I told them the truth that I was abducted by aliens and have been part of a human exhibition at the zoo. I told them what life was like there and how much I liked Sandra and Zenko. I talked about what it was like to be owned by a zoo and locked in an enclosure. They just stared at me when I told them that I was very popular and the top attraction at the zoo. I realized that when I was talking about Galaxy zoo, that I was speaking so positive about it. I was smiling and enthusiastic. I wanted my parents to know that I was happy and well taken care of. I knew that they would never understand that I was loved!

Mom and Dad were in shock. I suppose I could understand why. Their daughter has just told them that she was abducted by space aliens. I never thought of this before my parent's reaction. People that claimed to have been abducted always tended to be considered people with mental problems or they were just seeking attention. I could see that mom and Dad had a similar look. This made me think if it was wise to tell them.

Dad looked at me at sternly as he could and warned me never to tell a living soul that story. Mom on the other hand was walking back forth and shouting at me. She was shouting and saying that she did not understand me. First, she had to deal with me running away from a perfect home, and everyone wondering if this was because she was a bad mom. Now she had to deal with a fabricated story, that some aliens have abducted me.

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