Spaced Out

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I stood there in the middle of the night and shouted up at the skies for Zenko to get me. I didn't care if he sent me to the mad doctors that would experiment on me. I didn't care if I was back at the enclosure. At least I would know that I was wanted and loved. Despite how much I shouted and how much I wished for a spaceship to show, the sky was empty. I knew that Zenko would not be coming back to me and he probably thought that I was dead.

I slumped under a tree as I had to think. Maybe everything was my fault. I had a good home and maybe I expected too much from my parents. I am sure they loved me, but they must have been unsure how to show it. They expected a lot from me, but maybe this was to make sure that I would have a good life when I left home. They must have cared for me to worry about my future. It could be that it was me that expected too much. Maybe giving hugs and goodnight stories are just in movies.

I have also experienced something that only a handful of people have. I lived at Galaxy Zoo. This was a break from the pressures that I had on Earth. I learned how to play and have fun. I learned what it was like to be loved and cared for. I was adored by the visitors and Sandra and Zenko gave me so many hugs. This was an experience that I would never forget. It has changed me in some ways and I could use this to be a better person.

I decided to go back home. It was important that I stopped feeling sorry for myself and gave my parents a chance. I had to realize that they were worried about my future. I decided that I would study and get good grades in school. I would make sure that I always looked good, even if this meant brushing my hair for an hour. I would prove to them that I could be a success in what I set my mind to. I am sure they would be proud of me.

Everything was going well for a few days until our religion teacher was talking about creation. Someone asked her if there was life in outer space. She started explaining that there was only life on earth. God created us so there was no need for him to create other life forms. Hollywood has corrupted the idea of Gods creation by things such as Star Trek and Star Wars. This made me smile at first, but it was getting more and more annoying as she went on.

"What your saying is not true!" I said

The teacher looked at me and asked me if I was an expert on the subject. I told the whole class about space aliens kidnapping me and my life at Galaxy Zoo. There was some snickering and laughing as I told them that I was a pet in the zoo. The teacher told me to sit down. I was by no means finished. I started explaining all the species that I have seen and what they looked like. When I sat down, I wanted to be invisible. I was happy that the secret was out. I was also mad at myself for telling everyone. They would most likely consider me weirder than they already did.

I wished that it would all just be forgotten. This was not going to happen. Everyone was telling each other that I thought that I was kidnapped by aliens. I could see that they all thought I was insane or just trying to get attention. It was at times like this that I wished that I had a friend. Someone who knew me and knew I was telling the truth. I did not say another word all day.

When I came home, mom was waiting for me. She told me to sit down. I was wondering if I was in trouble. She seemed very calm. She was very silent and this was like torture. My mom never asked me to sit down and have a talk. I did not say a word and just bit my lips. I wanted her to get on with what she wanted. The silence was killing me.

" I have spoken with the teacher," she said, "and it seems as if you told your whole class about the spaceship. I should be mad at you for doing something that you were told time and time again not to do. I will be honest, I am deeply worried about you. I do think you believe that you were kidnapped by aliens and were at some zoo in the universe. That is so sad. Go to your room. When your father gets back, we will speak on how you can be helped."

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