Chapter 73

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Mid-Autumn had already passed, but the moonlight was still very full, and the entire mountain was layered with that faint white light.

A party of people were hidden in a place close to Shaolin, waiting quietly for any news. After an unknown amount of time, the leader wrinkled his brows. “What time is it, why are there still no movements?”

“According to the plan, they should be moving right about now.” The person next to him guessed, “I heard that, while leaving, Shaolin and Wudang sent many people to protect Miracle Doctor Ji. Maybe they haven’t been able to find an opportunity?”

The leader fell silent, not speaking.

The person next to him said, “Before, they were sent in while still tied up, so perhaps they haven’t been freed yet. Or it could be that Shaolin’s watching too closely and they couldn’t find a way to approach Miracle Doctor Ji.”

The leader nodded.

The person next him said, “Why don’t we forcefully break through ourselves?”

“We can’t. When we’re not sure about the actual situation inside, any rash moves we make will simply alert the enemy,” the leader said, “unless we have complete certainty.”

The person next to him said, “Then we…?”

The leader said, “Continue waiting. If we still can’t, then retreat.”

The person next to him made a sound in acknowledgment and continued patiently waiting.

At this moment, Elder Hei had also brought a crowd of people to guard nearby.

A shadow guard noiselessly returned to tell him that the other side of the forest appeared to have some people’s silhouettes.

Elder Hei said, “Ah, sure enough, they’re here.”

Their Sect Master had returned two days prior and had said speculatively that the white piece would definitely surround Shaolin once more. Thus, he had them prepare the stage and wait. For two days, Elder Hei had waited, and finally the people had come.

He instructed, “Keep a good watch on them.”

The shadow guard said, “Understood.”

Elder Hei said, “It’s very possible that they have experts in their midst. If they retreat, follow them if you’re able; if you’re not, just return. Remember to not keep too close and also to not let them hear any movements. The Sect Master says that he wants to catch some big fish this time.”

The shadow guard once again said a word of understood before ducking back into the forest.

The night gradually stilled. The white piece’s men waited for a long while but never saw the signal to move, and so the only thing they could do was retreat.

The Demonic Sect’s shadow guard tried following for a period of time, until he saw someone turn back with eyes sweeping in his direction. Although it wasn’t certain whether the other party had perceived his presence or not, just in case, he didn’t continue following in light of the circumstances, instead returning to report.

Elder Hei stood up and said, “Since they’ve retreated, let’s also retreat.”

As he finished speaking, he looked towards the sky above Shaolin, remembering that his Sect Master had said that even if the white piece’s men had come, they weren’t likely to make any moves. He immediately felt immense respect. Their Sect Master had, as always, seen through every scheme, truly incredible!

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