Chapter 77

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Ye You’s words were said easily, but actually carrying out those words was somewhat troublesome.

Because according to common sense, with a person kidnapping another, and this person’s own strength being quite strong, the kidnapper would be unlikely to expose any mistakes or clues for others to find. What’s more, Cong Yun and them also weren’t idiots. If he made even one misstep, then it’d be just like telling them that this matter was suspicious.

The chessboard had long been taken away.

With Elder Hei gone to continue keeping watch on Shaolin, they were once again the only two people left in the room. Wenren Heng unhurriedly prepared a pot of tea and poured a cup for his Junior Brother.

Ye You accepted it but didn’t drink it for now.

The faint smell of tea mixed into the air, spreading out into spirals with the steam. This fragrance was something that only his Senior Brother could prepare, and his spirits slowed and relaxed as he leaned against the soft couch, before looking at his Senior Brother.

Wenren Heng asked, “You’re finally willing to look at me?”

Ye You beamed as he crooked a finger at the other.

Wenren Heng resisted the temptation to kiss and simply smiled before taking a seat on the chair next to him.

Ye You asked, “Senior Brother, if you kidnapped someone, what would you do?”

In contrast to that elegant appearance he was carrying, Wenren Heng said, “If that someone is like you, then I’d definitely be impatient to enjoy him first.”

Ye You let out a laugh. Although he knew that his Senior Brother’s words had some elements of impropriety, he was also able to hear the actual implications. Following his Senior Brother’s train of thought, he considered and then asked, “Is there a type of drug in this world that, after being eaten, would make the person unable to be touched by others?”

Wenren Heng returned with a question, “Whether there is or not, does it matter?”

Ye You raised a brow. “Wouldn’t something this obvious arouse suspicion?”

“Anxiety will lead to confusion.” Wenren Heng said, “If the person I desired was kidnapped by someone, I’d definitely be worried, and at this time, if there was even one thing that I could believe in, then I’d definitely try believing in it.”

Ye You thoughtfully repeated, “As long as there’s one thing…”

Wenren Heng added, “On the premise that those subordinates of yours would be able to continue with this charade. If they get seen through, then this whole enterprise would fail.”

Ye You said, “Our Demonic Sect’s shadow guards are also responsible for collecting information, so their acting should definitely not have any issues.”

Wenren Heng considered for a moment before offering an idea, “Or you could simply not let them know, and simply lend a hand by turning the whole board over to Cong Yun to determine.”

Ye You immediately understood his Senior Brother’s meaning. Thinking that that could work, he said a simple, “Yes.”

Wenren Heng asked, “Let me?”

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