Last Day Of Con!

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Today was supposed to be a chill day. When we arrived, we all headed to our destinations. Mine being the lounge to get my makeup done. Soon after, I was part of a group gaming session. It was Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo, Will, Techno, Schlatt, Charlie, and I. We were plying Jackbox.

Everyone knows how Jackbox streams go, so there was a 16+ age limit.

We were playing Quiplash, mad verse city, then earwax.

The show went by fast. It was about 1.5 hours long when we had to finish.

We all were escorted to our booths after for most of the day.

At the end of con, all the creators were sent into the largest auditorium for the ending ceremony. Music was playing over the speakers as everyone filed into their seats.

"This years TwitchCon has been a huge success! I'm so very happy on behalf of all the creators here that you could attend. I'd like to finish this off by having our top five largest creators come up to the front of the stage." Emmet spoke into the microphone.

"Ninja! Tfue! Shroud! Rubius! And last but not least, our VIP Content Creator y/ndoesstuff!"

The five of us walked to the front of the stage. We were each handed a large box. Mine larger then the others.

"These are for you to open on stream next time you do!" Emmet yelled enthusiastically. He shook each of our hands before closing his speech.

"Thank you all for coming! Enjoy the rest of your day in beautiful San Diego!" He yelled. Everyone clapped loudly.

Soon everyone started rising from their seats and leaving the building.

I started wobbling over to Will with the heavy box in my hands.

"You need help there?" He chuckled.

"Please." I replied. He took the box out of my hands.

"Wow. This is really heavy." He chuckled shifting the weight more evenly.

After about an hour of waiting, all the content creators were aloud to leave. We each were given a goodie bag as we left. I held Wilbur's and mine.

Once we arrived back at the Bnb, Will and I headed up to our room to put all our stuff away.

"I can't believe we only have one week left here." I spoke flopping onto the bed.

"Me either." Wilbur replied sitting next to me and leaning his head on my stomach.

"I know it might feel like speed running this relationship. But do you want to move in with me? When we get back to England?" I asked quietly afraid of rejection.

"Yeah. I think I'd like that." He replied.

A huge smile broke across my face. Will looked at the clock then stood up.

"Come on! Let's go somewhere."

"Where?" I asked sitting up.

"That Princess, Is a surprise."

I stood up and headed to the door with Wilbur trailing behind me.

Soon an Uber showed up in front of the house, which Wilbur and I got into. The guy driving started heading to the location that Wilbur messaged him earlier.

"You excited?" He asked.

"I think?"

"What do you mean think?" He chuckled.

"You could either be taking me to a nice dinner or to kill me." I joked.

"Rats. You figured me out. I wanted to kill you." We both chuckled.

We soon arrived at a different boardwalk then the one we went to with our friends.

We walked down the wood, feeling a salty breeze on our faces. Near the end, we reached a little restaurant with fairy lights strung up all around. Light music was playing in the background.

"It's adorable!" I said looking up at Wilbur. He gave me a peck on the nose before leading me to the entrance.

"Table for two please?" He spoke.

"Right this way. A young blond lady replied taking us to a table on the balcony. "Your server will be with you soon!" She spoke enthusiastically before leaving to attend other parts of her job.

"What's all this for?" I ask looking at Wilbur.

"What? I can't take my girlfriend on a date?" He replied cheekily. He grabbed my hand and pressed a kiss on my knuckles.

Soon an older man with large smile lines and grayish brown hair walked up to the table.

"Hello! My name is Mason! I will be your waiter for today! What can I get you for drinks?" He asked.

"Could I have a water please?" I asked.

"And you?" He looked towards Wilbur.

"I'll have a water as well."

"Alright! I'll be right back with that!" He replied then walked away.

"He seems nice." I spoke looking in the direction he walked off to.

"He seems like he could be a grandfather. He has those vibes."

I chuckled. "I was thinking the exact same thing!"

"Do you know what your getting?" Wilbur asked.

"I think I'm going to get the 'all American cheese burger.'" I replied.

"I think I'm getting the pineapple chicken." Wilbur looked at the table next to us and asked, "you want to get a bottle of wine as well?"

"Maybe only a glass. I don't want to drink too much." I replied.

Soon Mason came back and took our food orders along with the order of two glasses of red wine.

The night moved on with light chatter and amazing food. After paying, we headed down some stairs to the beach. I took off my sandals and Will took off his sneakers and socks.

We walked down the beach watching the sun set.

"This has been magical Will." I looked up at him.

"You made it magical y/n." He replied dropping his shoes and grabbing my hands making me drop mine. We both slowly leaned in connecting our lips.

This feeling truly felt like it was strait out of a fairy tail. I'm so glad I could experience it with Wilbur.

We pulled away and looked at each other for a moment. I wrapped my arms around him, his doing the same. We stood in the sand, the sun almost fully set just hugging.

Do you love me? (Wilbur soot x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now