The Big Box

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I sat in Wilbur's and my room setting up a camera and laptop to stream. It is was the day after TwitchCon and I really wanted to open the giant box that was given to me. Wilbur sat behind the camera on his phone.

"I'm clicking live ok?" I spoke. He nodded his head.

I clicked the button having a 'welcome to the stream! Be here soon!' Screen pop up. Some undertale music was playing in the background.

I quickly double checked everything making sure I had everything I would need for the stream.

'Box cutter, box, water bottle. I'm good!' I thought to myself changing the screen to me.

"What's poppin chat!" I yelled. The chat started spamming greetings. "Wow there is a lot of you! 600,000 and growing. Yeesh! That's a lot of people!" I chuckled. "Ok! Today we will be going to be opening that box I received from twitch yesterday!" I tugged the box in front of me. "I bet tubbo could fit in this thing. Chat... if we can reach the sub goal, I'll try and get tubbo up here to get in the box." Chat started spamming 'Tubbox.' Subs started flooding in.

"Alright! Now to open the box of wonders!" I yelled. I grabbed the box cutter and sliced open the tape. Closing the blade, I opened the top flaps. Sitting on top of some purple tissue paper was a note congratulating me on my success and telling me to open the box on stream.

I carefully slipped my fingers under the first layer of paper and took it off. I pulled out an entire Twitch track suit with my name and channel embroidered on one of the sleeves.
The next thing I pulled out was a water bottle, backpack, pens, and pencils.

"Chat. They want me to go back to school! Oh no! I'm done with that shit!" I chuckled at my own joke.

The next thing was a sign that had my logo on it.

At the bottom of the box was a shiny black hard cover briefcase. I scrunched my eyebrows up.

"What the heck is this?" I asked out loud. Flipping it around I opened the clasps. Lifting the top inside the case was a '

"Chat? What do you think this is?" I took out the plaque from the case. On the front it had a large twitch logo with 'congratulations y/ndoesstuff for reaching the largest amount of subscribers as of September 27, 2021!'

I had an enormous smile on my face as I turned the plaque towards the camera for everyone to see.

Soon enough, the stream turned into a Q&A.

"Oh guys! That's the subgoal!" I said surprised. I quickly took out my phone and called tubbo.

"Hello?" He yelled into the phone.

"Come up stairs to my stream! You need to sit in a box." I told him.

"Uh... ok? Can Tommy and Ranboo come too?"

"Definitely. Make sure if Ranboo wants to be on camera that he has his face stuff." I replied.

"Ok. COME ON BOYS WE HAVE A QUEST!" I heard before Tubbo ended the call. I chuckled at them then put my phone down.

All of a sudden, the sounds of three baby elephants were heard running up the stairs. The boys burst through the door and jumped onto the bed.

"You guys are insane." I chuckled.

"I prefer Mentally hilarious thank you very much!" Ranboo retorted with his hands on his hips.

A TTS came over the speakers for $100 dollars.

"Who is taller? Ranboo or Wilbur?" The voice spoke.

"Oooo! That's a good one! Come here you two! Back to back! We are going to have to test this one out." I yelled. Wilbur walked out from behind the camera. The chat started spamming 'Wilbur!' And 'He was here the whole time!?'

The two stood back to back.

"Jeeze! A teenager is taller then you bub!" I chuckled to Wilbur. Wilbur quickly grabbed me around the middle, threw me on the bed, and started tickling me.

"Ha. HA! No STOP! Wil- Ha Ha Stop!" I was flailing my arms trying to get Wilbur to stop. I ended up slapping him on the head by accident. That was when he stopped.

Soon I ordered tubbo into the box. He got in and we all started pointing at him and chanting"TUBBOX!" Chat joined in. Tommy then ran in from the side and started closing the box. "LETS SHIP HIM HOME!"

"Yeah!" We all yelled then pushed the box out of view of camera. I quickly ended stream and headed down stairs. Everyone was congregated around the tv, tubbo still in the box, but with some pillows and blankets.

"We were just about to pick a movie! You want to join in?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah! We should watch lion king and act out the parts." I replied casually then sat on Wilbur's lap.

"Yes. Yes. Yes." We all picked out parts.

Ted - Zazu
Schlatt - Scar
Charlie - Rafiki
Y/N - Nala
Wilbur - Simba
Ranboo - Timon
Toby - Pumba
Phil - mufasa
Kristin - sarabi
Clay - Ed
Nick - Shenzi
George - Banzai

Maddi, Tommy, Techno, Floris, Jack, and Alex just wanted to watch. Tommy decided to record the whole thing.

During Mufasa's death, Ranboo shouted "REVERSE L'MANBURG!" Which made everyone yell "TOO SOON!"

"WHEN WILL IT NOT BE TOO SOON? HMMMMM?" Ranboo yelled again. We all laughed along.

After the movie, someone called a pizza place to get delivered here. They decided to get way too many pizzas. We ended up with 18 large pizzas and 4 trays of breadsticks.

"Guess we are having pizza for breakfast too" I yelled trying to balance half of the boxes in my hands while Ted got the others.

"Who ordered this many?" Ted asked.

"I did Bitch!" Tommy yelled.

"What kinds did you get?" Toby asked.

"There is a variety of cheese, pepperoni, none pizza left beef, sausage and recotta, and one singular Hawaiian." He replied grabbing a few boxes from my stack. They were all brought to the kitchen. People ate as many pieces as they could before getting ready and going to bed.

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