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We open the scene as we see an old album above a stone pedestal that's covered in vines as light moon light shines on it

The camera zooms into the album as it begins to flip pages on it's own it then lands on a specific page a picture of young Craig with Gibble, Kirlia and Gothita the moon then begins to shine brightly

In a flash we see a bedroom we then see Gibble jumping atop of a still sleeping young Craig removing the covers in the process, Craig gets mad and chaces Gibble all through the house with Kirlia and Gothita watching

The next scene then reveales Craig, Gibble, Kirlia and Gothita walking towards a cave as they have determination written on their faces as Mewtwo appears above the cave smiling towards her future trainer

Another flash and we see Craig, Gabite, Kirlia, Gothirita, Noivern and Mewtwo taking on teams Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Plasma and Flare as Craig's team grew and evolved

Then Craig's friends and loved ones appeared on screan as they were cooking, cleaning or training with their pokemon

We then see every single pokemon of Craig as they ran towards an open field we then see Craig laying on a stone slab as Eternatus appears and fires a blast towards Craig's pokemon

As the smoke cleared we see his pokemon and loved ones ready for another round as Garchomp prepared a Draco meteor Gardevoir and Gothitell readies a Moonblast, Mewtwo prepares a Shadow ball and all other pokemon prepare their signature attacks in a flash there was just an open field with an oak three written on the oak was the words

"Always believe in your friends, family and pokemon"

The scene then zooms out as the album from before is seen as it closes it shines and disappears, Mewtwo is then seen with Celebi as they fly towards the night sky more specifically to the moon as the moon shines another photo is seen falling down, the photo is a group picture of Craig whos head was visibly bandaged along with his friends, family and pokemon all smiling at the same time and in his hands is a Master ball the screen then fades to black

Better late than never I say, had this idea for quite a bit ever since I heard Acacia so yeah made an opening in my mind wrote it on paper and typed it so.........


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