Chapter 3

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Morning has risen in Alola Craig woke up as the Sun's ray hits his eyes

Craig tries to get up only to be stopped by a weight on his chest, as he opens his eyes and look down he saw a sight that made his hearth grow three times it's size

A sleeping Marnie has appeared

Craig: Oh god.........

Marnie used yawn

It's super effective, Critical hit, Craig fainted

After a few more minutes Marnie woke up only to see her boyfriend knocked out while his eyes were swirling


Craig gathered all of his pokemon and headed out back towards Galar with Marnie, leaving the base to the protection of Guzma, using his Alakazam's teleport the duo arrived at Galar in a flash

As the duo arrived in Galar they were met with an horde of fans and reporters waiting for the return of the challengers

Craig: Geez how do they always keep track of us?

Marnie: I stopped questioning it after the 4th time

The duo proceeded to their next gym battle at Stow-on-side, Bea the fighting leader also a member of team raid

As the duo arrived on site they encounter both Hop and Bede ready for their match, Craig and Marnie went to change to their uniform

Craig had his modified to have this on his shoulder

Hop went first for his challenge then Bede and Marnie, Craig waited for his turn as he prepared his team for this battle

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Hop went first for his challenge then Bede and Marnie, Craig waited for his turn as he prepared his team for this battle


Craig: Alright, let's win this

A little later Marnie finished her challenge and approached Craig with a smile on her face thats rarely seen

Marnie: I won!!

Craig: Damn......... good job darling, Now then it's my turn wish me luck darlin

Before Craig proceeded towards the Arena he brought out an necklace with a glimmering gem on it's center this gem was his keystone

Craig walked out to the arena with Garchomp right beside him and as multitudes of fans we're cheering for him he raised his fist towards the air and Garchomp roared loudly

Bea: Hey Craig......... look towards the VIP boot

Craig followed Bea's instruction and he saw that the champion of Galar was watching Leon

Craig followed Bea's instruction and he saw that the champion of Galar was watching Leon

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