Chapter 4

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Verdant cave

Craig called for the Guardian's of Alola for help but after hearing who their opponent is instantly paled at the mention of her name and respectfully declined helping their trainer for even they are afraid of the wrath of Mheiku

Craig then recalled and gathered all of his pokemon except for Gardevoir and Gothitelle the couple weren't answering his recall for some "reason", the four Alola Guardians and the Ultra Beasts

As he proceeded to exit the cave he was met with the sight of Mheiku pouting and waiting

Craig: *sigh* All right let's do this!

Mheiku: Gladly!

Craig: Then get ready! Your gonna need lot's of antidote cause your gonna face my Poison team!

Craig: Now! Let's rock the stage! GO Toxtricity!

Toxtricity (Amped Form) came out of his pokeball with a loud screech as it let loose its electrical mohawk

Mheiku: Ohho it's on now! Take them down! Arcanine!

Mheiku called out Arcanine as it let out a roar followed by firing a flamethrower towards Toxtricity who then dodged and countered with Electro Ball

The attack landed a direct hit on Arcanine as he was blasted a few feet from Verdant Cave

Craig: All right Toxtricity! Follow it up with a Sludge wave!

Mheiku: Evade and use Fire Blast!

Toxtricity fired off a Sludge Wave as Arcanine evaded and landed a Fire Blast on Toxtricity sending him back with the status effect burn now in play

Craig: Toxtricity! You alright?

Toxtricity: Tox!

Mheiku: Come on!

Craig: *groan* Toxtricity let's send them flying!


Toxtricity then generated an electric guitar made from electricity as he strumed the electric guitar a powerful sound wave based attack struck Arcanine head on

Toxtricity then generated an electric guitar made from electricity as he strumed the electric guitar a powerful sound wave based attack struck Arcanine head on

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Arcanine fainted within that moment the burn on Toxtricity made him faint as well causing a draw on their first battle

Craig: You did great big guy return

Mheiku: You did your best return


Craig and Mheiku recalled their pokemon as they got ready for their next bought, meanwhile Marnie was watching at the sidelines while eating popcorn alongside her pokemon Morpeko the two sided pokemon

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