Oh Sh!t

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Beca didn't know why but she was cold. Freezing, actually. She shivered and pulled the duvet that was over her closer, wanting to close any gap that air could pass through. Air was bad, except when you breathed it. Breathing was good, but air was cold. Her eyelids were sealed firmly shut by sleep and her mind was still clouded with drowsiness, so she didn't bother to open them. Instead she used touch to navigate the area around her, searching for anything she could use for warmth. She braced herself for the cold that her arm would surely feel when it creeped out from the warmth of the duvet and was surprised to come across the lump in bed beside her. A warm lump. Beca felt it over. Whatever it was, it was wrapped up in a blanket which for some reason she was not under herself. She was too tired to question why that was and instead she opted just to hug this lump instead, hoping it would radiate some heat onto her. Maybe Steve had crawled up onto her bed or something. (Beca was too tired to register that that was impossible because a) the tortoise was cold-blooded and b) well, because he was a tortoise.) She snuggled up to it wrapping an arm over it and pressing herself as close to it as she could. Beca was too tired to get up. Screw that. Why did Amy think a giant tortoise was a good idea as a wedding gift?The shipping cost back home was going to be massive.

Then, the lump shifted to Beca's complete alarm. Her eyes snapped open in panic only to see that the bulge was actually the outline of a person. Why was a person in her bed? Jesse was away. Frantically she tried to figure out what the hell had happened the night before, and then it all came back. Beca had come round to apologise, she'd fallen asleep in Chloe's bed not hers, it was probably just her. She let out a breath she did not know she had been holding in. Thank god.

...Wait a moment... That meant she had her arm around Chloe's waist. Not a bad thing but-

Beca froze at the revelation. Not a good thing. Not when she was getting married in like two days and when Chloe had just fucking told her that she loved her and Beca had rejected that. Don't move! Her still sleepy mind panicked. DO NOT MOVE. Don't wake her up! Beca listened to her mind and lay awkwardly still, waiting for Chloe to fall back into a deep slumber. Right now she didn't really have a better plan. Chlo's figure then rolled over, and her companion's peaceful face came to a rest centimetres from her own. She was so close Beca could feel her breath gently ticking her face. She smiled to herself and took the opportunity to look at the face that these days was normally etched with sadness. It was now perfectly at peace, making her look years younger than she did when she was awake; and her jaw was so close to hanging open that Beca had to stop herself laughing as the image of the ginger drooling came into her mind. It was almost comical, and yet Chloe looked so beautiful like that, so care free and happy. Beca wished she looked like that when she was awake again. She used to look like that all the time when they'd met. She frowned. Over time, since the presidency performance actually, she'd seen it slowly fade. Of course it was Chloe, she never stopped smiling, but at some point it had stopped being real. Beca saw it. Around her anyway.

Since they'd left barden and the world of accapella, Beca was worried Chloe would never be happy again, was so frustrated because Chloe didn't seem to care about anyone anymore, she'd become so distant. She stopped doing things with her outside the group, they rarely met up, never talked about other things... It was all business. Beca didn't know that love was the reason for it. How could she have done? She was so focused on her career at the time... because music was hers. She thought it was Chloe's too. She wanted her to support her but Chloe just wasn't and didn't... because in part Beca didn't let her yes, but Chloe wasn't interested in any future not even her own and it hurt for while. It really caused a rift between them. It was hard for Beca to keep up with Chloe now she was assistant producing, and hard for Chloe to meet with Beca because she was switching between jobs so fast. Beca didnt even know what she did for a living anymore. But Jesse, he was always there and- She stopped herself. He loved her, but Beca would trade what they had in an instant if it meant old Chloe came back. Chloe was responsible for everything she now held dear. Beca would do anything to give the older woman some stability.

Then, her attention was drawn to the taller woman's lips that in the dark still looked soft. They were turned up in a slight smile that made the DJ want to smile herself. At that point she desperately wanted to know what Chloe was dreaming about. Then maybe Beca could find it for her. Pay her back for everything. Because she was there when Beca needed help with mixes, and for post hang overs, and for dance lessons, and those sad days where she just felt like curling up in a ball and hugging someone in her bed and occasionally for joint shower offers. She smiled at that. All that sort of stuff.

Her eyes trailed downward and attention re-focused back on her arm. She really should move away. She'd spent enough time there. Gently she lifted it up and started to shuffle back, careful to make as little movement as possible. But just as she started Chloe shifted and unconsciously tucked her own arm round the small of Beca's back. Beca froze again, not knowing quite what to do. Part of her wanted to stay there but she knew she couldn't. It would be weird and awkward for them both if Chlo chose now to awake. Reluctantly she tried to move back again but Chloe's arm seemed to sense the movement and gently pulled her closer, encouraging Beca to huddle against her.

"Beca." She heard the ginger murmur beneath her breath.

At this the DJ finally did smile. A warm tingle had started in her stomach and she gave in. Why the heck not? She was cold after all. Not joking it was like a Russian winter in this house and Chloe was practically a hot water bottle. Something told her that it was more than that but she chose to ignore it, instead looking one last time at her face before settling into the gap by her neck. She gave a goofy grin. Chloe was warm.


Chloe slept solidly for the night, considering how tired and hung over she was the sound of one hundred kangaroos rampaging down the dust roads of Australia probably couldn't have woken her up, yet alone Beca. So when she woke up fairly late the next morning in her bedroom she was surprised to feel that her feet were under something rather scratchy, and that something soft was tickling her chin. The contrast was somewhat confusing. Despite her eyes protests she forced them open and blinked a couple of times; her still groggy mind curious to see what it was she was clutching. Her brain was still in its loading stage and her throat felt oddly raw; it was then she felt the coffee cravings kick in. She should probably get up and make a cup, caffeinated of course not that sappy decaff Aubrey kept trying to inflict on her and that Beca insisted she refuse so of course she did. As she tried to move she felt what she was holding shift against her.

Chloe froze.


Surely enough as if to confirm her fears, the petite figure of the DJ released a tired groan. Chloe's heart had pretty much stopped beating she was so still. Go to sleep. She mentally begged. And compliantly the brunette released a contented sigh and relaxed. Apparently happy to go back to wherever dream world it was she had come from. God how the hell had they ended up like this!?! She must've sleep hugged. Was that a thing? It was now. Her face burnt with embarrassment. That would've been awkward if Beca was concious, still could be if she didn't find a way out of this.

Gently she lifted her arm up from on top of Beca's waist and began to roll sideways off the bed, not really knowing any other way to get up that wouldn't disturb Beca's position and potentially wake her. Unfortunately however she had underestimated just how close she was to the edge of the king size, not knowing that the petite punk rocker had pushed her over somewhat in the passing night; and she fell with a loud THUD onto the floor. Bashing her elbow in the process.


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