She's A Lady

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Beca raps the sides of her cup of coffee. Damn she was nervous, okay maybe the caffeine was a terrible idea. She takes another sip. But it would be a shame to waste a perfectly good mug now she'd made it. She tries to let the comforting scent of it calm her down instead, not too much success. She wouldn't be calm until she had solved this whole thing with Chloe and Jesse, and her head swam just thinking about the complexity of it all. Her eyes darted to the front door, just waiting for the lock to turn, and to see a familiar pair of electric blue eyes. Any minute now Aubrey would be back with her.

Chloe's hand hesitates before it touches the doorknob. She isn't sure why, it just seems like suddenly such an exposed place. Like someone is watching them.


"I'm fine." She says and presses the handle downward. Unsurprisingly her breath catches when she spots Beca, whose eyes immediately dart down to her twiddling fingers around her mug. It's kind of a relief that she seems equally uncomfortable.

"Hi." She starts, staring into her lap.

"Hi." Chloe answers, confidently striding towards the kitchen island. She was always the first to do anything in their relationship. Something she had accepted a long time ago. Finally, the smaller woman meets her eyes and delicately she takes a seat. She can feel Aubrey sit down beside her but she's barely registering her if she's honest. Chloe knows Aubrey will understand it if she blanks her, she was just here as a supporter really.

"You first Beca." Aubrey says stiffly.

Meekly, Mitchell looks up to face the two of them.

"Are you comfortable with her being here?" Chloe interjects. Beca swallows and nods, hair falling in front of her face by accident. Chloe watches her tuck it back behind her ear. It'll stay there for what? Another minute at most before it fell in front of her again. It was an endearing character trait.

"Um, if you want her here sure. I can't exactly deny you that." Beca says.

No you can't. Chloe thinks. She guesses Bree is probably thinking the exact same thing, but she doesn't say it. This talk wasn't meant to be aggressive, though it would probably turn out to be. Still, Chloe wasn't eager to edge that side of the conversation onward.

"Well then I'd like if she could stay. For now at least." Another nod. This conversation couldn't be slower.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, and if that's why you ran away." Beca starts.

Not the apology she was expecting first, but okay.

"Well I'm sorry I ran away, I'm sorry that they all saw that. Saw us." She answers.

"The fact that people saw is not either of your faults. No need to apologise for it. Chloe that's not on you." Aubrey says. "And Beca I think you're avoiding the much larger apology."

Chloe holds up a hand to stop here there. Beca had a way of doing things unconventionally, but they both knew what they needed to say to each other she thought. This back talk was just a way of Beca subtly saying to her that actually, she'd rather they were alone. Her body language was so easy to read. Chloe understood. She was beginning to think the same thing.

"Bree, I appreciate the help, but you know I have a ton of clothes that need organizing in my bedroom. It's just like an explosion of wedding blouses in there you know? So if you want to do some organizing..."

The actual look of horror and indignation on Aubrey's face just imagining the destruction makes her want to smile. She mimics a volcano erupting to emphasize, and it's enough to make the blonde actually flinch in discomfort. Underneath this all though, she can see that she reads the lower levels. Beca is trying not to smile just slightly, she can sense it.

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