Kiss You

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Chloe cursed under her breath, wondering if that had been enough to wake her friend. Great, now her elbow throbbed like hell, on top of the massive hangover she was already beginning to feel. She made a strained effort to peer over the mattress, silently hoping she wouldn't come face to face with a slightly irritated pair of blue eyes. She breathed out in relief when she saw that they were still closed. Thank god she didn't have to explain that one. Alright, Beale up and at 'em. Time to make coffee- the memories of last night came flooding back in a heartbeat. Oh no.


Her boobs hurt. A Lot. At that moment Beca knew she'd made the dumb mistake of rolling onto her front at some point in the morning. Always a mistake. Eyes still shut she feels over the sheets a little. The moment she realized the double bed was empty, and that Chloe was gone, her eyes opened. Instantly she regretted it. White light poured in from the open blinded window and reflected rather harshly of the cheap whitewash walls. Sorry 'chic' walls. Because y'know white never went out of style. To her immense pride, she didn't swear as she would normally in the situation. Instead, Beca calmly sat up, swung her legs out of bed and stood up, which had to be a world record for getting up. Teen her certainly would've been amazed. Her first thought is to grab her phone and shoot Jesse a quick text about what was happening.

Hey, still trying to resolve the Chloe thing, should be back in a couple of hours, stayed at hers overnight x

With that she plopped it down and moved out into the hallway, hoping to find the ginger in the kitchen after registering that someone was cooking something delicious. She followed her nose down the way and sure enough, the subject of her investigation was there working the stove. Beca couldn't help but smile.

"Hey." She called out. Chloe turned her head and managed a tight grin.

"Hey. Do you want some coffee?"

"Sure." Beca nodded curtly, trying to lessen how awkward things were getting already.

"I'm making pancakes too, at least I'm trying. They're never as good as Aubrey's but she teaching me and I think I'm getting better but-"

Beca interrupts her before she can continue. Chloe Beale mid-rant is a difficult thing to stop.

"Chloe, can we talk?"

Chloe halted.

"About what?"

"-About everything. We need to get everything out in the open."

Beca glances at the tortoise making its way through the kitchen nonchalantly. How in hell were they going to get that through customs, christ.

"I thought I already did."

Not again. Not a repeat of last night. Beca's thighs still hurt like hell from carrying her for goodness sake.

"Please Chlo - I don't want a fight. Not today."

"You're right. Neither do I." Chloe sighs tiredly. Taking the pan off the stove. "Beca, I'm sorry about last night."

"I'm sorry too."

Chloe nods silently, not really knowing where Beca wants them to go from here and too scared to lead the conversation herself. So boldly the brunette speaks up, shifting so she's possibly a centimeter taller than before. Chloe has to stifle a smile.

"But I also need to know that you'll come to my wedding." Beca states.

The smile fades.

"Beca you know I can't."

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