Chapter 1

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"Tom" I say as I open the door to Toms cabin on the train "Y/n nice to see you how was your holidays?" Tom asked. After I finally finish telling Tom about my new house, seeing my bother again and my new dog, Loki we were at Hogwarts.

The first year just got put into there houses and the feast was supported to start but Dumbeldore said "and this year we have a student starting in his fifth year" 'Cool I'm in my fifth year please make him cute' I thought. "please welcome Mattheo Riddle" At that a boy walked in who looked a lot like Tom, then it hit me, Tom had a brother! I gave Tom a you have some talking to do look before Mattheo was put in Slytherin.

I didn't get a chance to talk to Tom after that beacuse he was taken to Snapes office with Mattheo so I ate dinner than when to my dorm to sleep.

Tom POV~

Snape told me that Mattheo had to share a room with me and Y/n. Y/n and I shared a room by getting Snape to bend some rules. I lead Mattheo to our dorm when I opened the door Y/n was already asleep. "who's the girl" Mattheo asked me "Y/n she is my friend and shares a room with me" I replied "now sleep I don't want to talk to you".

Y/n POV~

I woke up at 6am the next morning got ready for school and left I noticed Tom's brother was now sharing a room with us .I got down to the great hall for breakfast I was bout an hour early so I read a book while waiting.

An hour later breakfast had started I still sat alone.

Tom POV~ 

me and mattheo finally made it to the great hall I sat next to Y/n and Mattheo sat on the other side for her/ "morning " she said seeing me "morning" I replied

 "So is Mattheo like your brother or something" she asked looking at me 

"yeah he's my twin" I said

 "and he's t Hogwarts beacuse?" she asked

 "Because mum and dad made him come " I replied

"ok" Y/n said not looking mad at all

"your not mad?"

"no, not really I mean I never talk about my family either" she replied

"who is in your family?" Mattheo asked being the annoying cow he is

"She dosen't have to say" I say

"It's ok Tom, I think it's about time you know about my family" Y/m begun "My family is the Rosewood family, my mum is Rose Rosewood and my dad is Will Rosewood both purebloods. Though I don't live with my parents I live with my untie Ivy, my older brother, Alex and my twin, Luna. the rest of my family is how knows where"

"how come I never met your sister?" I asked

"Will you know my brother trains animals, and Luna goes to Beauxbatons" Y/n said and with that she left for classes

"she's kinda cute" said mattheo

"oh shut up" I said and followed Y/n.    

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